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2024 Good Food Forum and Expo: Date, time and what's on the agenda for Arizona's main culinary event

The event is a gathering of farmers, ranchers, food enthusiasts, and industry leaders.
2024 Good Food Forum and Expo dates and agenda.
2024 Good Food Forum and Expo dates and agenda.

Tucson, Arizona (Release): The 2024 Good Food Forum + Expo will take place on Tuesday, August 27, from 9am to 4pm at the El Conquistador Hotel in Tucson, Arizona. The event is a gathering of farmers, ranchers, food enthusiasts, and industry leaders, dedicated to discussing and shaping the future of food in Arizona.

Following the morning sessions, the Expo will open, featuring over 80 food vendors from across Arizona. This segment offers a unique opportunity to sample local culinary delights and network with chefs, retailers, and emerging food entrepreneurs. The Expo is a platform to explore the latest trends in local food products and foster connections within the state's vibrant food economy.

The forum will kick off with three distinct breakout sessions designed to cater to various interests within the food and agriculture sector. Tickets cost $89 and are available here.

The forum will kick off with three distinct breakout sessions designed to cater to various interests within the food and agriculture sector.
The forum will kick off with three distinct breakout sessions designed to cater to various interests within the food and agriculture sector.

Resilient Agriculture, from Soil to Market

This session is tailored for those involved in agriculture or looking to learn more about the field. It focuses on value-added products, niche market development, and connecting consumers with their food sources. Attendees will gain insights into accessing funding for climate-smart practices and growing desert-adapted crops, as well as tips on entering farm-to-institution markets.


Beef Up Your Profit Margins with Value-Added Products

Get Paid for Growing Desert Foods & Using Climate-Smart Practices

Innovative Ways to Open Up More Capital for the Farm
Game Changers: Selling to Schools, Hospitals, and SNAP Markets

Be a Good Ancestor: Centuries of Food in the Desert

This session delves into the history of Indigenous food practices in Arizona. Participants will learn about reclaiming food as culture, medicine, and sovereignty, and hear from Indigenous leaders about navigating modern challenges while preserving traditional knowledge.


The Meaning of Food: Nurturing Body and Spirit

The Way of Our Ancestors: Foraging, Farming, & Hunting

Bringing the Resources to the Rez

Food Back: Shaping an Indigenous Future With Integrity

Arizona’s Plate of 2030

Focused on the future of food in Arizona, this session brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss climate adaptation, food growth, and storytelling as tools for creating a resilient and inclusive food system.


How to Grow Food in Hotter and Smaller Spaces

Serving the Desert – How to Eat the World Around Us

Stories We Tell About What We Eat

Uniting Arizona to Make Lasting Change

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