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A Mother's Fight For Justice: Jan Kelly is still fighting for the truth, a year after son's murder

As the anniversary of his death approaches, Jake's mother, Jan Kelly, is still fighting for justice.
Jake's friends are also planning a memorial for next month to honor his memory.
Jake's friends are also planning a memorial for next month to honor his memory.

Phoenix, Arizona: A year ago Jake Kelly was brutally beaten in his own drive way. Such was the viciousness of the attack that the 49-year-old was left fighting for his life in a Phoenix hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries. As the anniversary of her son's death -- and the trial of those who were allegedly responsible for his death -- approaches, Jake's mother, Jan Kelly, is still fighting for justice.

The tragic incident, which occurred in August last year, reverberated through the community. Jake was found with severe injuries, including skull fractures and numerous scrapes and bruises, according to the medical examiner's report.

Three people have been arrested tied to Kelly's fatal beating: Angel Mullooly, Cory Young, and Shannon Young
Three people have been arrested tied to Kelly's fatal beating: Angel Mullooly, Cory Young, and Shannon Young

In November 2023, three people were arrested tied to Kelly's fatal beating: Angel Mullooly, Cory Young, and Shannon Young (the Youngs were Kelly's roommates).

Mullooly was eventually was indicted by a grand jury for second-degree murder, while the Youngs were indicted for hindering an investigation. Court documents revealed shocking details, like photos of those injuries allegedly being shared the night of the assault by both Shannon Young and Mullooly.

The Youngs allegedly carried Jake from the driveway of their Phoenix home inside to a bathtub before leaving him on a couch without medical care for nearly 18 hours.

Jan Kelly's fight for justice has been unwavering. "I can't bring him back, but I can fight this," she told ABC15, recalling the promise she made to her son in the hospital to find out who was responsible and ensure they faced the consequences.

As the trial date approaches, Jan remains resolute in her quest for justice.
As the trial date approaches, Jan remains resolute in her quest for justice.

The case has raised concerns about potential motives, with Jan expressing fears that Jake may have been the victim of a hate crime. ABC 15 previously reported that Corey Young, a convicted felon, had displayed tattoos linked to white supremacy on social media, further fueling these suspicions. However, Corey's attorney has denied his involvement in the murder, arguing that there is no evidence to suggest his client played a role in the attack.

As the trial date approaches, Jan remains resolute in her quest for justice. "I know that they will all be there in September, so I will be there," she stated, undeterred by the possibility of further delays.

Jake's friends are also planning a memorial for next month to honor his memory.

The Phoenix Police Department confirmed that the case is considered closed following the arrests, with all three suspects pleading not guilty. 

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