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ADHS announces 2024 to 2029 Arizona Cancer Control Plan as disease becomes state's #2 killer

Between 2013 and 2022 malignant neoplasm has remained a burden in Arizona.
In its fourth edition, the 2024-2029 AzCCP aims to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce the burden of cancer across the cancer for all Arizonans.
In its fourth edition, the 2024-2029 AzCCP aims to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce the burden of cancer across the cancer for all Arizonans.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) have announced the state’s most recent plan to fight cancer and reduce its impact.

The 2024 to 2029 Arizona Cancer Control Plan charts a course forward for implementing evidence-based cancer-prevention strategies and addresses the barriers that Arizonans face when accessing cancer education, resources, care, and support.

“I’m so proud to present this plan and so grateful to all of the many individuals and organizations that help develop it. I am hopeful that it charts a course to better outcomes for all Arizonans affected by cancer,” said Jennie Cunico, ADHS Cabinet Executive Officer.

The 2024 to 2029 Arizona Cancer Control Plan  charts a course forward for implementing evidence-based cancer-prevention strategies.
The 2024 to 2029 Arizona Cancer Control Plan  charts a course forward for implementing evidence-based cancer-prevention strategies.

“With Governor [Katie] Hobbs’s support, our volunteers from ACS CAN look forward to pursuing the policy objectives outlined in the plan and encourage all stakeholders to make cancer a priority,” said Brian Hummell, ACS CAN Government Relations Director for Arizona and New Mexico.

The AzCC and the Arizona Comprehensive Cancer Cancer Control Program (AzCCCP) held a series of listening sessions to collect feedback on priority areas and engage with community members. Through these listening sessions topic areas were identified and categorized based on which of the five workgroups within the coalition structure were the most appropriate.

The AzCC and the Arizona Comprehensive Cancer Cancer Control Program (AzCCCP) held a series of listening sessions to collect feedback.
The AzCC and the Arizona Comprehensive Cancer Cancer Control Program (AzCCCP) held a series of listening sessions to collect feedback.

These five workgroups include: Early Detection and Prevention, Survivorship and Quality of Life, Treatment, Policy, and Childhood Cancer. Once the topic areas were identified smaller teams convened to identify the objectives, within each of the workgroups. These objectives were then reviewed by coalition and community leaders to make sure that they addressed the guiding principles established by the coalition leadership team.

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