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ADOT launches 8th Safety Message Contest, as federal warning looms

The contest gives Arizonans a chance to see their messages displayed on ADOT’s Dynamic Message Signs
Some of the funnier dynamic message son US hughways. The FHWA, however, has issued guidance discouraging the use of these messages.
Some of the funnier dynamic message son US hughways. The FHWA, however, has issued guidance discouraging the use of these messages.

Phoenix, Arizona: If you’ve driven down the highway and seen a creative traffic safety message on one of the overhead signs and wanted to write one yourself, now is your chance.

For the eighth year, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is inviting the public to submit their engaging and creative traffic safety messages for its popular Safety Message Contest. Submissions are open through July 29 at

ADOT displays traffic safety messages as part of a campaign to engage Arizonans about making better decisions behind the wheel.
ADOT displays traffic safety messages as part of a campaign to engage Arizonans about making better decisions behind the wheel.

The contest gives Arizonans the opportunity to see their unique safety messages displayed on ADOT’s Dynamic Message Signs across the state, encouraging motorists to make better decisions behind the wheel.

“Safely connecting people is our top priority,” ADOT Director Jennifer Toth said. “This contest is an engaging way to remind everyone about the importance of being alert so everyone can get home safely.”

After members of the public submit their suggestions, ADOT will review the entries and select at least 10 finalists for the public to vote on. The two messages that get the most votes will be crowned the winners and appear on overhead boards along Arizona’s highways.

There’s no limit to the number of entries someone can submit. Keep these guidelines in mind when crafting a message: 

The message must relate to traffic safety.

Signs accommodate 3 lines, 18 characters per line. 

#Hashtags, phone numbers and website addresses are not allowed.

No emojis

The ampersand (&) is your friend!

ADOT displays traffic safety messages as part of a campaign to engage Arizonans about making better decisions behind the wheel. National crash data shows more than 90% of vehicle crashes are caused by driver decisions, which include drivers choosing to drive impaired, distracted, aggressively or at unsafe speeds.

According to statewide crash data, 1,307 people were killed in crashes on Arizona’s roads in 2023 and many of these deaths were preventable. For example, in 2023 in Arizona, 446 people were killed in speed-related crashes, 332 people died in alcohol-related crashes and 361 people died who were not using a safety device, like a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet. Avoiding these unsafe behaviors makes travel safer for everyone.

A federal issue

Humorous dynamic traffic messages are being phased out on US highways. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued guidance discouraging the use of these messages, stating that traffic signs should be "simple, direct, brief, legible, and clear". The FHWA's concern is that humorous or quirky messages might distract or confuse drivers, potentially leading to misunderstandings. States have until 2026 to comply with these new guidelines, which aim to prioritize clarity and safety in public messaging​.

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