Arizona moms and babies receive $12m boost for maternal and early childhood support programs

Phoenix, Arizona: The US Department of Health and Human Services has allocated $12 million to support the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) in Arizona. This initiative, targets at-risk communities, including rural and Indigenous areas, where premature births, infant mortality, poverty, and other challenges are more prevalent.
Carol Johnson, Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, emphasized the importance of this funding. "It's a huge investment for us in Arizona," she told 3TV. "The research shows it works, and we’re really excited to be bringing more dollars to the community to reach even more families in need."
The MIECHV program has provided vital support to families through home visits from nurses, social workers, and other trained professionals. These visits focus on essential aspects of maternal and child health, such as breastfeeding support, safe sleep practices for infants, and early childhood development. Additionally, the program helps parents access child development screenings and educational resources, setting a strong foundation for children's success in school and life.
"Local organizations work closely with the program to ensure that expectant mothers and young families receive the support they need," Johnson added. "This two-generational approach not only benefits the children but also helps parents continue their education and explore career opportunities, leading to long-term success for the entire family."
The Arizona Department of Health Services will manage the distribution of these funds.