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Arizona Restaurant Association leads opposition to minimum wage increase

If approved, it would increase the state minimum wage by $1 on January 1.
The state's voters have previously approved minimum wage increases in 2006 and 2016.
The state's voters have previously approved minimum wage increases in 2006 and 2016.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Arizona Restaurant Association (see below for more info) is trying to block a public vote on a ballot measure that could raise the state's minimum wage in two years to $17 an hour or more.

What is the argument for knocking the proposition off the ballot?

In a lawsuit filed on Friday at the Maricopa County Superior Court, those opposing the minimum wage initiative claim the over-350,000 signatures that have been collected to put it on the ballot are legally invalid. The measure, Proposition 212, needs to have at least 255,949 of those signatures judged valid to go to voters.

What happens to minimum wage if Proposition 212 is passed?

If approved, it would increase the state minimum wage by $1 on January 1 and by another dollar at the beginning of 2026. That would be on top of the existing requirement that the minimum — currently $14.35 — be adjusted annually to account for inflation. It also would phase out a provision in current law that allows restaurant operators to pay their tipped workers $3 an hour less as long as their tips bring them up to the minimum wage.

Has Arizona increased its minimum wage before?

The state's voters have previously approved minimum wage increases in 2006 and 2016, taking it to the current $14.35, while the federal minimum remains at $7.25. 

What is the Arizona Restaurant Association?

The Arizona Restaurant Association (ARA) is an organization that represents the interests of the restaurant and food service industry in Arizona. The ARA offers various resources, including educational webinars, training programs like ServSafe certification, and events such as Arizona Restaurant Week and the Foodist Awards, to enhance industry standards and practices.

The ARA also engages in advocacy efforts, working closely with government officials and public health experts to address industry challenges, such as navigating regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the association provides its members with benefits like discounts on insurance, financial services, and other essential resources to support business operations.

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