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Arizona weather update: Record-breaking heat is back, but storm chances rise too

By Saturday and Sunday, storms are expected to develop across Arizona.
This streak has already surpassed the previous all-time record set just last year.
This streak has already surpassed the previous all-time record set just last year.

Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona faces another spell of extreme heat as temperatures continue to soar, with a possibility of storm activity creeping back into the forecast this weekend.

It's going to be hot 

The Valley has been enduring relentless heat, with temperatures reaching 110°F yesterday and expected to climb even higher today. The scorching trend is set to persist through the weekend, with highs potentially exceeding 110°F. This extreme heat is being driven by a ridge of high pressure currently parked over Arizona. Although this ridge will eventually shift slightly eastward, bringing in some relief, it will also pull moisture back into the state, increasing the likelihood of storms.

The peak temperature in Phoenix was just 12F cooler than the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. (Photo: An AI-generated image representing extreme heat in an urban setting)
The peak temperature in Phoenix was just 12F cooler than the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. (Photo: An AI-generated image representing extreme heat in an urban setting)

Storms on the horizon

Starting this weekend, storm chances will begin to rise, particularly in the eastern portions of the state near the White Mountains. While the Valley remains mostly dry and sunny today, conditions will change as the weekend progresses. By Saturday and Sunday, storms are expected to develop across Arizona, with a possibility of some reaching the Valley early next week. However, the heat will remain the dominant force, keeping temperatures dangerously high.

Record-breaking heat is back

Phoenix is on track to continue breaking records for consecutive days of extreme heat. The city has already experienced 81 straight days with highs at or above 100°F, and today is expected to mark the 47th day of temperatures exceeding 110°F. Additionally, overnight lows have been hovering around 90°F, further contributing to the oppressive heat. This streak has already surpassed the previous all-time record set just last year, and the trend is likely to continue in the coming days.

As Arizona heads into the weekend, the weather remains a mix of extreme heat and potential storm activity. The Valley will see highs around 114°F today, with temperatures in the 90s across northern Arizona. While the heat continues to dominate, the return of storm chances offers a slight reprieve, though the oppressive conditions are set to persist well into next week.

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