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Dr Eric Meyer appointed new District 4 legislator following Laura Terech resignation

LD-4 covers the north Scottsdale and Paradise Valley neighborhoods.
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has appointed Dr Eric Meyer to represent Legislative District 4.
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has appointed Dr Eric Meyer to represent Legislative District 4.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has appointed Dr Eric Meyer to represent Legislative District 4 in the Arizona House of Representatives following Laura Terech's resignation. LD-4 covers the north Scottsdale and Paradise Valley neighborhoods between SR-51 and the Loop 101.

"Dr. Meyer is a long-time public servant who has the governing experience to step right in if a special session is called," said Supervisor Bill Gates of District 3. "The residents of LD-4 can rest assured that their district is being represented by a knowledgeable community leader who has their best interests at heart."

Dr. Meyer served in the Arizona House of Representatives for four consecutive two-year terms after being first elected in 2008 and served as Minority Leader from 2014 until 2016. He has previously served on the Scottsdale School Board and the Budget Committee for the Scottsdale Unified School District. Dr. Meyer is also an experienced Emergency Medicine Physician who received his medical degree from the University of Arizona.

Board members selected Dr. Meyer from a list of three candidates.
Board members selected Dr. Meyer from a list of three candidates.

Board members selected Dr. Meyer from a list of three candidates submitted by an LD-4 precinct committee, in accordance with Arizona law.  The selected candidate needed to be a current resident of LD-4 and a member of the same political party as the outgoing legislator -- in this case, a Democrat.

Dr. Meyer will serve out the remainder of the term. The position will appear on the ballot in the November 2024 General Election.

Who is Dr Eric Meyer?

Meyer earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of Southern California. He later went on to earn his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Meyer first ran for the Arizona House of Representatives in 2008 and was elected to represent District 11. After redistricting, he represented District 28.

Meyer served as the Minority Leader in the Arizona House of Representatives.

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