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Edison-Eastlake project gets $2.5m HUD boost as revitalization kicks up a gear

577 obsolete public housing units were converted into over 1,077 mixed-income housing units.
Since being awarded a $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant in 2018, the City of Phoenix has made significant strides.
Since being awarded a $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant in 2018, the City of Phoenix has made significant strides.

Phoenix, Arizona: The City of Phoenix recently hosted a ceremony to celebrate the ongoing transformation of the Edison-Eastlake neighborhood, a project funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. The event was marked by the announcement of an additional $2.5 million grant to further support the redevelopment efforts.

The ceremony, attended by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard J Monocchio.
The ceremony, attended by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard J Monocchio.

The ceremony, attended by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard J Monocchio, Councilwoman Kesha Hodge Washington, and other city officials, highlighted the progress made in converting 577 obsolete public housing units into over 1,077 mixed-income housing units. The project, recognized with the 2022 State of Arizona's Housing Hero Award, is the first of its kind in Arizona, driven by a $42.5 million grant from HUD's Choice Neighborhoods program.

"We are transforming this community, not just with new housing but with the addition of amenities and services that are vital for families," said Titus Mathew, the City's Housing Director. "This is one of the largest public housing conversions in the state, and with 412 units already completed and more underway, we're making tremendous strides."

Councilwoman Washington expressed her pride in the project.
Councilwoman Washington expressed her pride in the project.

Councilwoman Washington expressed her pride in the project. "With the help and support of HUD, we are truly improving the quality of life for our residents," she said. "This community is being revitalized with new housing, public art, expanded parks, and much-needed services."

The redevelopment includes a range of amenities, from public art installations to new parks featuring fitness stations, a healing garden, and playgrounds. Also, the historic Edison School building will be repurposed into the Edison Impact Hub.

Monocchio praised the project as a model for future developments. "The Choice Neighborhoods program is the most effective federal development program in history," he said. "It's about more than just housing—it's about creating opportunities and providing the support families need to thrive."

This additional $2.5 million will support further developments, including new housing, expanded public spaces, and enhanced community services.
This additional $2.5 million will support further developments, including new housing, expanded public spaces, and enhanced community services.

Utilizing Choice Neighborhoods Grants awarded by HUD, the multi-year, revitalization plan in Edison-Eastlake includes:

Replacing 577 aged, obsolete public housing units with over 1,000 units of high-quality, mixed-income housing with modern amenities.

Neighborhood improvements such as new and expanded parks, open/green spaces and public art.

Additional supportive services programs at two new community centers in the neighborhood offering medical and behavioral health services, Head Start classes, and other important community resources.

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