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Effects of California Bridge Fire being felt in Arizona as Golden State battles raging inferno

The conditions have prompted health warnings in the Phoenix valley as air quality plummets.
The Bridge Fire in California, which ignited on September 8, 2024, has rapidly grown into a major wildfire. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
The Bridge Fire in California, which ignited on September 8, 2024, has rapidly grown into a major wildfire. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Phoenix, Arizona: The effects of the massive California wildfires are beginning to be felt across the Phoenix valley, as smoky and hazy skies descend upon the area.

The conditions have prompted health warnings as air quality plummets. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality categorized Wednesday's ozone levels as "moderate" on the air quality index.

The dry and windy conditions prevalent during the season have exacerbated the fire risk across the region.
Arizona has been no stranger to wildfires this summer. 

Local physician Dr Frank Lavecchia, told 12News, that the smoky air posed a health risk for people with asthma or other breathing conditions. "On days like this, the air is filled with little particulate matter," Lavecchia told the network. "You can't see them up close, but they can make it harder for anyone to breathe." Experts recommended wearing N95 masks if going outside is unavoidable.

What is happening in California?

The Bridge Fire in California, which ignited on September 8, 2024, has rapidly grown into a major wildfire, affecting both Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. As of September 11, the fire has burned over 50,000 acres and remains zero percent contained. The fire has destroyed numerous homes and damaged infrastructure, particularly around the Wrightwood area and the Mountain High Ski Resort.

Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for several communities, including Wrightwood, Pinon Hills, and parts of Mount Baldy, while evacuation warnings remain in place for neighboring areas.

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