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Film industry boosts Phoenix business numbers to highest in five years

This year's total is the highest financial impact the city has seen in the past five years.
According to Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, the Film Office has played a "crucial role" in attracting productions.
According to Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, the Film Office has played a "crucial role" in attracting productions.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Phoenix Film Office has released its annual economic impact report for the fiscal year 2023-2024, totaling $21.8 million in economic activity: With over 1,341 projects filmed over 1,068 production days recorded. This year's total is the highest financial impact the city has seen in the past five years, generated by the film industry in Phoenix. This number marks a significant increase from the previous year's impact of $19.5 million.

In addition to economic benefits, film productions also bring exposure to local talent and locations.
In addition to economic benefits, film productions also bring exposure to local talent and locations.

According to Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, the Film Office has played a "crucial role" in attracting productions resulting in a boost to the local economy. "The film industry has been a major contributor to our city's economic growth," said Gallego. "Thanks to our Film Office's efforts in promoting our City as a prime filming location, we have seen an increase in job opportunities for our residents and a positive impact on local businesses that provide goods and services to production crews."  

"We are ecstatic to see such a significant increase in economic impact for our City," says Phoenix Film Commissioner, Phil Bradstock. "The upward trend of film productions in the city contributes to job and revenue creation for our community, and it also showcases our beautiful city on a global scale."

In addition to economic benefits, film productions also bring exposure to local talent and locations. Productions include an array of productions from corporate and still photography, documentaries, regional and national commercials, music videos, and TV series and film productions. This year alone, several significant productions chose Phoenix as their filming destination, including the soon to be released indie film 'Star People' and the Artists Equity produced 'The Unstoppable'.

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