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First Queen Creek Police Department Youth Academy participants recognized by town council

Students are provided with an inside look at local law enforcement.
At the July 17 meeting, the Queen Creek Council joined Chief Randy Brice in recognizing the participants.
At the July 17 meeting, the Queen Creek Council joined Chief Randy Brice in recognizing the participants.

Queen Creek, Arizona: The Queen Creek Town Council recognized 14 participants of the first Queen Creek Police Department (QCPD) Youth Academy.  At the July 17 meeting, the Queen Creek Council joined Chief Randy Brice in recognizing the participants for completing the program and taking the initiative to participate in positive community activities.

“Engaging with our youth continues to be a top priority and we are so appreciative of the Police Department launching this impactful program,” stated Queen Creek Mayor Julia Wheatley. “I continue to be impressed with the initiative and passion of our youth -- thank you to each of the participants and their families.”

The QCPD Youth Academy is a free two-week program for Queen Creek youth between the ages of 14-18.
The QCPD Youth Academy is a free two-week program for Queen Creek youth between the ages of 14-18.

The QCPD Youth Academy is a free two-week program for Queen Creek youth between the ages of 14-18. Students are provided with an inside look at local law enforcement and is an opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Topics included laws and ordinances, search and seizure procedures, drug and alcohol recognition, crime scene investigation, K-9 operations, traffic stops and DUI enforcement, officer use of force and safety, and community policing strategies.

“Programs like these promote community engagement and are designed to foster positive relationships, especially among our teens,” stated Chief Randy Brice. “I would like to thank Officer Katie Williams, Officer John Allen and Officer Adam Webber for developing and facilitating this program.”

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