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Governor Katie Hobbs announces John McCain Democracy Week

John McCain became the first son and grandson of admirals to graduate from the US Naval Academy.
“I am grateful to Governor Hobbs for recognizing John and his legacy with this proclamation,” said Cindy McCain.
“I am grateful to Governor Hobbs for recognizing John and his legacy with this proclamation,” said Cindy McCain.

Phoenix, Arizona: Arixona Governor Katie Hobbs has declared this week John McCain Democracy Week.

“John McCain’s bold and steadfast defense of our democracy and freedoms at home and abroad is a shining example of what it means to be an Arizonan,” Governor Katie Hobbs said in a press release.

“His legacy is woven into the fabric of our state’s identity and continues to inspire Arizonans every single day. I am proud to honor him with this proclamation, and know that his impact is felt deeply by every community across the state.”

Governor Hobbs added that John McCain's legacy is
Governor Hobbs added that John McCain's legacy is "woven into the fabric of our state’s identity".

“I am grateful to Governor Hobbs for recognizing John and his legacy with this proclamation,” Cindy McCain said in a press release. “John dedicated his life to serving America and the values of democracy, freedom and human dignity.

“As the organization dedicated to advancing the values and legacy of the McCain family, we are thrilled by Governor’s Hobbs’ proclamation recognizing John McCain Democracy Week,” McCain Institute Executive Director Dr. Evelyn Farkas said in a press release.

Cindy McCain thanked Governor Hobbs for the announcement.
Cindy McCain thanked Governor Hobbs for the proclamation.

“We hope that John McCain Democracy Week inspires Arizonans and all Americans to serve a cause greater than themselves, just as Senator McCain did, and to continue fighting for democracy at a time when it is more vulnerable than ever.”

5 things you may not know about John McCain

History-making legacy 

John McCain became the first son and grandson of admirals to graduate from the US Naval Academy.

Not without my comrades

McCain, who was shot down over Hanoi during the Vietnam War and was held as a prisoner of war, was offered early release due to his father’s status, McCain refused, insisting that prisoners held longer should be released first.

The original Tom Cruise

McCain was known for his willingness to break with his party on key issues. His independent streak earned him the nickname "Maverick" throughout his political career.

A prolific author

McCain wrote or co-wrote several books, including the best-selling memoir 'Faith of My Fathers', which details his family history and his experiences as a POW.

John McCain and Barack Obama developed a mutual respect and friendship after the 2008 elections.
John McCain and Barack Obama developed a mutual respect and friendship after the 2008 elections.

From rivalry to friendship

Despite their bitter rivalry during the 2008 presidential election, McCain and Barack Obama developed a mutual respect and friendship afterward. Obama delivered a eulogy at McCain's funeral in 2018.

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