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High school erupts as book controversy between parents and teacher goes 'criminal'

Police have since launched an investigation into the incident.
The situation has divided the community.
The situation has divided the community.

Gilbert, Arizona: A Williams Field High School English teacher in Gilbert, Arizona, is under investigation following accusations from a parent regarding a class reading assignment. The controversy centers around a complaint from a parent who claims that the book assigned to his child contained sexually explicit material, and that he had not been given a permission slip for the content.

The teacher, Brittany O’Neill, said she had crafted the reading list according to the course description provided by Chandler Gilbert Community College and that it includes Asian, Arab, African and Native American literature over the past century.

O'Neill claims that the situation quickly escalated, with the father allegedly calling other parents, contacting police, and attempting to get her fired.
O'Neill claims that the situation quickly escalated, with the father allegedly calling other parents, contacting police, and attempting to get her fired.

O'Neill claims that the situation quickly escalated, with the parent allegedly calling others, contacting police, and attempting to get her fired. During a recent Higley Unified School District board meeting, the parent voiced his concerns, arguing that the book violated his parental rights and state law, which prohibits public schools from distributing sexually explicit material without parental consent.

The situation has divided the community, with some parents backing his concerns, while others, including students in O'Neill's class, are standing by the teacher. They argue that the class is designed to challenge students by engaging with complex cultural and social topics.

According to the Gilbert Sun News, one opposed parent, Charles Villafranca, gave copies of printed materials on the matter to the board and said that he has reached out to the district office and superintendent’s office multiple times to ask about consent forms and has not received a response to date.

“I am not here to ban books, I am here to make sure I, a parent, have the right that is given to me under the law,” he said. 

A number of parents and Higley students spoke on O’Neill’s behalf before the board, explaining how the books have helped them understand different cultures and give them a broader world view.

“Miss O’Neill is someone who will always sit and listen to your bad day or your greatest accomplishments,” student Jillian Blain said.

Another student, Ashton Churchill, said, “We in this class are seniors in high school, many of us nearly legal adults, we will soon be voting in elections.”

Gilbert police have since launched an investigation into the incident, but the details surrounding the specific book in question have not been released.

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