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How you can help Phoenix campaign to keep storm water free of nasty bugs

The 'Stop Poo-llution' campaign raises awareness about the proper disposal of pet waste.
The first phase of this campaign is focusing on the Pima Canyon and Telegraph Pass trails.
The first phase of this campaign is focusing on the Pima Canyon and Telegraph Pass trails.

Phoenix, Arizona: The City of Phoenix Water Services Department’s Stormwater Section is kicking off a community initiative aimed at promoting the proper disposal of pet waste.

'The Stop Poo-llution: Bag It, Tie It, Trash It' campaign will officially kick off on October 17, 2024, 7-10am at the City of Phoenix Pima Canyon Trailhead with an education booth, free giveaways, and demonstrations.

The launch event will feature educational booths, interactive demonstrations and free giveaways.
The launch event will feature educational booths, interactive demonstrations and free giveaways.

When it rains in Phoenix, stormwater picks up pollutants such as pet waste, which then flows untreated into the environment. Pet waste introduces E. coli and other harmful viruses and bacteria into waterways after storm and rain events. It is easier and more cost-effective to prevent pollutants like pet waste from contaminating stormwater by simply picking up pet waste and disposing of it properly.

The 'Stop Poo-llution' campaign raises awareness about the proper disposal of pet waste in parks and public spaces. The first phase of this campaign is focusing on the Pima Canyon and Telegraph Pass trails, with outreach efforts expanding across the City of Phoenix public spaces, parks and trails.

The launch event will feature educational booths, interactive demonstrations and free giveaways of  pet waste bags, water bowls, and other items.

Actions to reduce stormwater pollution include

Properly disposing trash, recyclables and chemicals like detergents, soaps, medications, etc.

Recycling motor oil and maintaining your vehicle to prevent leaks

Using pesticide and outdoor chemicals sparingly and in accordance with manufacturer instructions

Properly disposing leftover paint, electronics, and chemicals at a Public Works Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics event

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