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IJP and JET partner up to offer Phoenix's budding tennis stars a shot at the big time

JET and IJP Tennis both believe in a low player-coach ratio and personalized tennis instruction.
Phoenix boasts over 130 public tennis courts.
Phoenix boasts over 130 public tennis courts.

Phoenix, Arizona (Release): IJP Tennis has announced its new partnership with JET (Junior Elite Tennis), a tennis program for elite junior players. JET and IJP Tennis both believe in a low player-coach ratio, personalized tennis instruction, coached matchplay, tennis-specific strength and conditioning, and mental performance training, but targeted to those players seeking Division I tennis and beyond.

IJP Tennis's Red-Orange-Green-Yellow Ball high-performance development program will continue with the addition of JET. JET is a selective program that will admit players via invitation, and the IJP Tennis program will specifically prepare players for JET. 

​Who is JET founder Miguel Coelho?

Miguel holds a master's degree in high-performance tennis from UCAM Catholic University of Murcia (Spain).
Miguel holds a master's degree in high-performance tennis from UCAM Catholic University of Murcia (Spain).

JET was founded by Miguel Coelho, a native of Portugal. Since 1997, Miguel has worked at clubs and academies in Portugal, Spain, and the US. He has trained players of all levels and ages, from pre-school students to touring pros (ATP, WTA, ITF). He is a USTA National Coach and a member of the USTA Southwest Coaches Commission. Miguel holds a master's degree in high-performance tennis from UCAM Catholic University of Murcia (Spain) and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Arizona.

Maricopa County and Tennis have a long and happy partnership 

Maricopa County loves its public tennis courts. Across parks, recreation centers, and schools, the county provides tons of opportunities for residents to play tennis. Many of these courts are even equipped with lights which allows the courts to be open even after the sun has gone down, which is highly advantageous to those who run the 9 to 5 treadmill and in summer those looking to beat the heat.

Phoenix alone maintains over 130 public tennis courts spread throughout its parks. Some of the these parks include Encanto Park, Phoenix Tennis Center, and Rose Mofford Sports Complex, each offering multiple courts. Scottsdale and Mesa also contribute to the county's tennis infrastructure with several courts available for public use.

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