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Labor Day Weather Report: It's going to be hot, hot, hot

In the high country, the weather will be better, with Prescott expecting temperatures around 80F.
Temperatures are forecasted to be hot, with highs around 109F on Sunday and Monday.
Temperatures are forecasted to be hot, with highs around 109F on Sunday and Monday.

Phoenix, Arizona: This Labor Day Weekend is going to be hot and sunny, with storm chances remaining below 10% for Saturday night. Temperatures are forecasted to be hot, with highs around 109F on Sunday and Monday.

In the high country, the weather will be better, with Prescott expecting temperatures around 80F. However, there's a slight chance of storms in the area on Saturday and Sunday, which should clear out by Monday.

Across the state, storms are beginning to pop up, particularly in the White Mountains, where a decent line of storms is forming south of the 260. These storms are bringing cloud-to-ground lightning and some much-needed rain. Areas like Pine, Strawberry, and Payson remain quiet for now, though surrounding areas are seeing some activity.

In the Valley, Crown King has already experienced some storms, though the Valley itself remains storm-free. However, residents in Cave Creek and Carefree may hear the distant rumble of thunder from the mountains to the north.

As the weekend continues, high-resolution forecasts show storms staying to the north throughout the day. By Saturday morning, there’s a slight chance of isolated showers in the Valley, with a few sprinkles possible to kick off Friday.

Temperatures will remain high throughout the Valley, with Friday’s high expected to reach 109F, increasing to 110F on Saturday. The Labor Day weekend will see continued heat, with highs around 108F to 109F degrees and mild morning temperatures in the mid-80s.

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