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Maricopa BoS approves $2m rennovation of Cartwright Event Center

The gym will be used to host tournaments youth after-school and summer programs, and open gym time.
The gymnasium serves Cartwright School District students and surrounding communities in Maryvale.
The gymnasium serves Cartwright School District students and surrounding communities in Maryvale.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved $2 million in funding to help renovate the Cartwright Event Center, a gymnasium that serves Cartwright School District students and surrounding communities in Maryvale.

"I grew up in Maryvale, went to school in the Cartwright School District, and saw firsthand how important it is for students to have access to safe spaces that foster their growth," said Supervisor Steve Gallardo, District 5. "This gym is more than just a place where students can exercise - it's a place where they can form friendships, receive mentorship, and feel the support of their community."

The Board's investment will go towards offering free or low-cost programming for Cartwright School District students.
The Board's investment will go towards offering free or low-cost programming for Cartwright School District students.

The Board's investment will go towards offering free or low-cost programming for Cartwright School District students and local Maryvale residents. The gym will be used to host basketball and volleyball state playoffs, basketball, volleyball, and soccer tournaments, youth after-school and summer programs, and open gym time to provide a safe space for children to be physically active.

The renovation project has an expected completion date of September 1, 2025.
The renovation project has an expected completion date of September 1, 2025.

“Cartwright School District is immensely grateful for the financial support from Supervisor Gallardo and the Board of Supervisors,” stated Dr. LeeAnn Aguilar-Lawlor, Superintendent of the Cartwright School District. “This investment is crucial for enhancing the Event Center which provides our community with a safe, innovative, and welcoming space to support our dedicated scholar-athletes. Our community deserves to have a beautiful Event Center to showcase the talent of the children and families we serve. We eagerly anticipate the completion of this project.”

The renovation project has an expected completion date of September 1, 2025.

How is the renovation being funded?

The improvements are being funded using $2 million of Maricopa County Community Solutions Funding allocated by Supervisor Gallardo. The Board’s Community Solutions Funding is designed to help advance Maricopa County’s strategic goals and provide clear public benefits for Maricopa County residents.

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