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Maricopa County warns of record-breaking dangerous heat threat

Overnight minimums in urban landscapes struggle to find relief.
Overnight minimums in urban landscapes struggle to find relief.
Overnight minimums in urban landscapes struggle to find relief.

Phoenix, Arizona: High pressure has migrated from the East Pacific bringing a very hot and progressively drier air mass impacting much of the interior western US, including the Desert Southwest. The region has transitioned to persistent and dry northerly flow that effectively has ended local storms chances for the time being.

The exception being daily thunderstorms still possible over far southeastern Arizona through the weekend. The main weather headline for Maricopa County is an extended stretch of mostly sunny and very hot daily maximum temperatures 112-117°F holding steady well into next week.

Daily heat records are quite possible during this period. Overnight minimums in urban landscapes struggle to find relief, as well (mid-80s to low 90s). Consequently, the National Weather Service has maintained widespread Excessive Heat Warnings for the lower deserts of AZ and southern CA.

Outside of the dangerous heat threat, day-to-day weather conditions are relatively benign featuring mostly clear and calmer early mornings becoming mostly sunny with typical afternoon and evening breeziness (westerly 15-25mph) you’d expect over a hot and turbulent landscape.

Cool havens in Maricopa County

Heat Relief Sites like cooling centers, respite centers, and hydration stations are established throughout Maricopa County during the summer till September 30.
Heat Relief Sites like cooling centers, respite centers, and hydration stations are established throughout Maricopa County during the summer till September 30.

Heat Relief Sites like cooling centers, respite centers, and hydration stations are established throughout Maricopa County during the summer till September 30 and extreme heat events for those who do not have access to indoor cool environments. Cooling and respite centers can be community centers, churches, and other community-based organizations that provide water and serve as a safe, cool indoor place during the day for refuge from the heat. 

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