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Maricopa County Weather: Is the heat wave set to break? Temperatures remain high but showers predicted

Here's the National Weather Service's forecast for the week ahead.
Extreme heat will continue to be the main weather concern heading 
through next week.
Extreme heat will continue to be the main weather concern heading through next week.

Phoenix, Arizona: As the extreme heat wave continues to rage over Maricopa County, residents should brace for another week of scorching temperatures. Here's the National Weather Service's forecast for the week ahead:

Dangerously hot temperatures continue through the weekend, with the possibility of additional record breaking heat.
Dangerously hot temperatures continue through the weekend, with the possibility of additional record breaking heat.

Sunday: Expect sunny and hot conditions with a high near 112°F. Light west winds will increase to 5 to 10 mph in the afternoon, with gusts as high as 20 mph. The evening will be mostly clear, with a low around 87°F. Winds will diminish after midnight but could still gust up to 20 mph.

Monday: The heat intensifies with a near 114°F under sunny skies. A light south wind will shift to the west southwest at 5 to 10 mph in the afternoon. Nights will remain mostly clear with temperatures dropping to around 88°F, and winds calming to around 5 mph.

Tuesday: Another scorcher with temperatures rising to 114°F. An east wind around 5 mph will turn west in the afternoon. The night will be mostly clear with a low around 88°F, with calm conditions prevailing after midnight.

Wednesday: The heat continues with a high near 114°F. East southeast winds at 5 to 10 mph will become west in the afternoon. The night will remain mostly clear, with a low around 90°F and calm winds after midnight.

Thursday: Sunny skies will prevail with temperatures peaking at 114°F. Winds from the east at 5 to 10 mph will shift to the west northwest in the afternoon. The evening will be partly cloudy with a low around 89°F, and calm winds after midnight.

Friday: The forecast includes a slight break in the heat, with a high near 113°F under sunny skies. East southeast winds around 5 mph will turn west in the afternoon. There is a 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms at night, with partly cloudy skies and a low around 90°F. Winds will shift to south southeast after midnight.

Saturday: The week concludes with a 10% chance of showers and thunderstorms, mostly sunny and hot with a high near 112°F. West southwest winds will blow around 5 mph.

Residents are advised to stay hydrated, avoid strenuous outdoor activities during peak heat hours, and utilize cooling centers if necessary. Keep an eye on vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and young children, and ensure they are safe from the extreme heat.

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