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Mill Avenue and University Drive closure dates announced as 'Refresh' project kicks into high gear

There will be multiple detours provided.
The project (rendering pictured here) is part of a broader effort known as 'Refresh Tempe', which aims to make downtown Tempe more attractive and functional for both residents and visitors.
The project (rendering pictured here) is part of a broader effort known as 'Refresh Tempe', which aims to make downtown Tempe more attractive and functional for both residents and visitors.

Tempe, Arizona: The intersection of Mill Avenue and University Drive will be completely closed to all traffic from August 3 (starting at midnight) to August 7 (ending at 4am) for the construction on the Downtown Mill Avenue Streetscape Project. There will be multiple detours provided.

The following detours will be in place

Westbound traffic on University Drive will be detoured at Rural Road.  

Eastbound traffic on University Drive will be detoured at Priest Drive.   

Northbound traffic on Mill Avenue will be detoured at Apache Boulevard/13th Street. 

Southbound traffic on Mill Avenue will be detoured at Rio Salado Parkway. 

To access City Hall, take the Priest Drive or Rural Road detours and turn onto Fifth Street. From Rural Road, you will be able to turn on University Drive access Veterans Way and enter Fifth Street.

A CGI rendering of Mill Avenue streetscape improvements.
A CGI rendering of Mill Avenue streetscape improvements.

Transit Effects

The following routes will be placed on the detour starting at the beginning of service on August 3 through the end of service on August 6

30 Eastbound: Regular route to University Drive/Ash Avenue; north on Ash Avenue to Fifth Street; east on Fifth Street to College Avenue; south on College Avenue to University Drive; east on University Drive to resume regular route. 

30 Westbound: Regular route to University Drive/College Avenue; north on College Avenue to Fifth Street; west on Fifth Street to Ash Avenue; south on Ash Avenue to University Drive; west on University Drive to resume regular route. 

66 Northbound: Regular route to Mill Avenue/13th Street; east on 13th Street (becomes Apache Boulevard) to McAllister Avenue; north on McAllister Avenue (becomes Veterans Way) to Tempe Transportation Center. 

66 Southbound: From Tempe Transportation Center – East on Fifth Street (becomes Veterans Way) to University Drive; south on McAllister Avenue to Apache Boulevard; west on Apache Boulevard (becomes 13th Street) to Mill Avenue; south on Mill Avenue to resume regular route. 

Jupiter Northbound: Regular route to College Avenue/Apache Boulevard; east on Apache Boulevard to McAllister Avenue; north on McAllister Avenue (becomes Veterans Way) to Tempe Transportation Center. 

Jupiter Southbound: From Tempe Transportation Center – East on Fifth Street (becomes Veterans Way) to University Drive; south on McAllister Avenue to Apache Boulevard; west on Apache Boulevard to College Avenue; south on College Avenue to resume regular route. 

Mercury Eastbound: From Tempe Transportation Center – East on Fifth Street to College Avenue; south on College Avenue to University Drive; east on University Drive to resume regular route. 

Venus Forward: From Tempe Transportation Center – west on Fifth Street to Farmer Avenue; south on Farmer Avenue to 10th Street; resume regular route. 

Venus Back: Regular route to Farmer Avenue/10th Street; north on Farmer Avenue to Fifth Street; east on Fifth Street to the Tempe Transportation Center.

The streetcar will operate a limited service between Dorsey Lane/Apache Boulevard and Mill Avenue/Ninth Street during this time. 

The Tempe Downtown Mill Avenue Streetscape Project is an initiative aimed at revitalizing the historic Mill Avenue corridor.
The Tempe Downtown Mill Avenue Streetscape Project is an initiative aimed at revitalizing the historic Mill Avenue corridor.

What is the Tempe Downtown Mill Avenue Streetscape Project?

The Tempe Downtown Mill Avenue Streetscape Project is an initiative aimed at revitalizing the historic Mill Avenue corridor. This project, which marks the first major update in about 40 years, spans from University Drive to Rio Salado Parkway.

Key elements of the project include improving accessibility, sustainability, and aesthetics. Enhancements will adhere closely to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure better public space along sidewalks. The project also focuses on environmental sustainability with features like new planting schemes and water harvesting systems. Aesthetic improvements will include updated lighting, art installations, and the transformation of the Mill Avenue and Fifth Street intersection into a permanent all-pedestrian crosswalk.

The project is part of a broader effort known as 'Refresh Tempe', which aims to make downtown Tempe more attractive and functional for both residents and visitors. The city has allocated substantial funds for this initiative, with costs estimated to be around $21 to $22 million. The construction began in early 2024 and is expected to continue through the year, with various phases focusing on different aspects such as electrical installations, sidewalk and ramp improvements, and intersection pavement reconstruction.

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