Motorcyclists bear brunt of Arizona's high traffic fatalities
Mesa, Arizona: The city of Mesa has witnessed an alarming trend in traffic fatalities over the past two years. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation's (ADOT) 2023 Motor Vehicle Crash Facts report, traffic deaths in the state remained high despite a slight decrease from the previous year.
In 2023, there were 1,307 traffic fatalities across Arizona, just a marginal decrease from 1,320 in 2022. In Mesa, local roads saw a significant share of these fatalities, reflecting broader trends of speed, impairment, and failure to use safety devices as leading causes. Urban areas, including Mesa, experienced nearly twice as many fatalities as rural areas.
The number of pedestrian fatalities decreased by 12.3%, and bicyclist fatalities were down by 10.2% in 2023. However, motorcyclist fatalities increased by 11.2%, highlighting ongoing risks for vulnerable road users, accoding to ADOT.
To combat these issues, ADOT and local authorities are emphasizing the importance of driver behavior. Speeding and impaired driving were significant factors in fatal crashes, with alcohol-related fatalities accounting for 25.4% of all traffic deaths. Safety campaigns are focusing on encouraging the use of seat belts and helmets, as well as reducing distractions for drivers.
Local initiatives in Mesa and collaboration with state agencies aim to enhance road safety through education and enforcement.