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Perseid meteor shower: When is it and the best places to watch it in Arizona

During this peak, under optimal conditions, observers might see up to 100 meteors per hour.
So head out into the wild (safely) to check out this amazing astronomical event.
So head out into the wild (safely) to check out this amazing astronomical event.

Phoenix, Arizona: The Perseid meteor showers are back and expected to peak over Sunday night and early Monday morning. So head out into the wild to check out this amazing astronomical event.

What is the Perseid meteor shower? 

This meteor shower occurs when Earth passes through the debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle, which takes about 133 years to orbit the Sun. The debris particles, often no bigger than a grain of sand, burn up as they enter Earth's atmosphere, creating the bright streaks of light we see as meteors.

The 2010 Perseids seen over the ESO's VLT.
The 2010 Perseids seen over the ESO's VLT.

When is peak viewing for the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseid meteor shower typically peaks around mid-August. In 2024, the peak is expected to occur on the night of August 11th into the early morning hours of August 13th. During this peak, under optimal conditions, observers might see up to 100 meteors per hour.

Why are the 2024 Perseids so special? 

The 2024 Perseids are expected to be particularly favorable for viewing, as the new moon falls on August 4, ensuring dark skies free from moonlight interference.

For the best experience, it's recommended to head out in the late evening and give your eyes about 30 minutes to adjust to the darkness.
For the best experience, it's recommended to head out in the late evening and give your eyes about 30 minutes to adjust to the darkness.

What are the best places to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower in Arizona?

Grand Canyon National Park offers some of the darkest skies in the US, making it an ideal location for stargazing. Best spots are Yavapai Point and Desert View Watchtower.

Flagstaff is a designated International Dark Sky City. The city’s high elevation also provides clear, dark skies perfect for meteor watching. Best spots are Buffalo Park or the Lowell Observatory area.

Sedona is recognized for its clear skies and minimal light pollution. Best spots are Red Rock State Park or Cathedral Rock.

Kitt Peak National Observatory, located southwest of Tucson. Kitt Peak offers some of the darkest skies in Arizona. The observatory occasionally hosts public viewing events during meteor showers, offering telescopes and expert guidance.

Saguaro National Park, located near Tucson, is split into two districts, both offering excellent views of the night sky. The surrounding desert landscape adds to the experience. Best spots are Signal Hill or the Red Hills Visitor Center in the west district. 

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