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PHXArt's stunning series of exhibitions offers the best of modern, traditional and the twist

This August PhxART has got an absolutely stunning slate of exhibitions.
Here's what you can look forward to at the Phoenix Art Museum this August.
Here's what you can look forward to at the Phoenix Art Museum this August.

Phoenix, Arizona: There are many ways to beat the summer heat...head down to a water park, slip into a cool bar and down a few chilled ones, get some retail therapy at a mall, or why not get a health and enlightening does of art at the Phoenix Art Museum. This August PhxART has got an absolutely stunning slate of exhibitions that feature something for all artistic sensibilities and tastes. Here's what you can look forward to.

The Collection: 1960 – Now

When: From Wednesday, August 14

Thomas Struth, Pergamon Museum I, Berlin, 2001. C-print. Museum purchase with funds provided by The Levitt Family, in honor of Norman and Betty Levitt, and Contemporary Forum. (Photo: PhxArt)
Thomas Struth, Pergamon Museum I, Berlin, 2001. C-print. Museum purchase with funds provided by The Levitt Family, in honor of Norman and Betty Levitt, and Contemporary Forum. (Photo: PhxArt)

'The Collection: 1960 – Now' showcases large-scale paintings, sculpture, installations, digital and new media works, etc, with a specific focus on artists who have been historically overlooked, including women and artists of color.

Princely States of the Punjab: Sikh Art and History

When: Till Sunday, August 11

An installation from the Princely States of the Punjab Sikh Art and History.
An installation from the Princely States of the Punjab Sikh Art and History.

In the 19th century, the Sikh empire flourished in the Punjab region of northwest India. The latest exhibition in the Khanuja Family Sikh Heritage Gallery illuminates the regal stature of the period’s Sikh rulers through examples of state portraiture, precious jewelry, and military photography. 

The Collection: Art of Asia

When: Till Sunday, August 11

Yun Shouping, Album of Flowers
Yun Shouping, Album of Flowers

PhxArt’s Art of Asia collection is home to the museum’s oldest objects, with a range of works that span 1,000 years. Through two special installations, examine Japanese and Chinese works of art that uncover the delicate yet epic beauty of the natural world.

Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960-1980s

When: Till Sunday, September 15

Installation view of Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960-1980s. (Photograph courtesy Phoenix Art Museum)
Installation view of Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960-1980s. (Photograph courtesy Phoenix Art Museum)

Discover how a generation of artists used experimentation to negotiate different conditions for daily life and art-making, confronting varying degrees of Soviet control and restrictions on how art could be produced, circulated, and experienced.

Larry Bell: Improvisations

When: Till Saturday, January 5, 2025

Larry Bell, 'Untitled' (2 x 3), 2021.
Larry Bell, 'Untitled' (2 x 3), 2021.

Larry Bell: Improvisations celebrates the artistic achievements and lifelong career of renowned experimental artist Larry Bell, one of the most influential creators to emerge from the Los Angeles art scene in the 1960s, alongside Robert Irwin, Ed Ruscha, James Turrell, and others.

Guarding the Art: A Frontline Perspective

When: Till Sunday, December 1

Guarding the Art: A Frontline Perspective features works from the Phoenix Art Museum Collection selected by 13 guest curators from the museum’s security, event-rentals, and retail-services teams, all of whom regularly engage with artworks and visitors in the galleries.

Laura Aguilar: Nudes in Nature

When: Till Sunday, January 5, 2025

Experience photographic works by a groundbreaking yet underrecognized artist who challenged perceptions of beauty by examining the female body in dialogue with the natural world.

The Collection: American Modern

When: Till Monday, November 17

Joseph Stella, Flowers, Italy (Flores, Italia), 1931. Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr and Mrs Jonathan Marshall. (Photo: PHXArt)
Joseph Stella, Flowers, Italy (Flores, Italia), 1931. Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr and Mrs Jonathan Marshall. (Photo: PHXArt)

American Modern broadly explores how artists of the first half of the 20th century, including those based in the US Southwest and a significant cohort of women artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Marguerite Zorach, used abstraction and experimentation to spark new perceptions of modernity and novel modes of expression.

The Collection: American Art

When: Ongoing

James Swinnerton, Black Mesa, Navajo Reservation, c. 1930. Oil on canvas. (Photo: Ken Howie)
James Swinnerton, Black Mesa, Navajo Reservation, c. 1930. Oil on canvas. (Photo: Ken Howie)

Discover works from the American art collection that explore abstract art from across the Americas and depict the sublime vistas and diverse cultures and characters of the western United States.

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