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The Murder of Rachel Hansen: Two years after her death, teen's last words revealed as killer remains at large

The newly-released body camera footage reveals the final moments of Rachel’s life.
If you have any information you can call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS.
If you have any information you can call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS.

Gilbert, Arizona: New information has emerged in the ongoing investigation into the unsolved murder of 19-year-old Rachel Hansen, a young woman killed in her Gilbert apartment two years ago.

The Gilbert Police Department has recently released body camera footage and transcripts from the initial response to the crime scene, hoping it might lead to a breakthrough in the case.

The newly-released body camera footage reveals the final moments of Rachel’s life. Rachel, who had just gotten engaged months before her death, was shot in her apartment, and despite the efforts of law enforcement, her killer remains at large. The footage, along with transcripts of the 911 call Rachel made herself, has been made public in the hope that it will encourage any potential witnesses to come forward.


Rachel's mother spoke out about the release of this new information, expressing the family's ongoing pain and their desire for closure. “It has been extremely difficult to continue life, to do what we need to do every day without Rachel in it,” she said.

The family, desperate for leads, has been working with a private investigator.
The family, desperate for leads, has been working with a private investigator.

In the 911 call transcript, Rachel can be heard pleading, "Please hurry, I'm bleeding." Rachel's parents had hoped to hear their daughter's voice in her final moments but were disappointed that only a transcript was provided.

The family, desperate for leads, has been working with a private investigator alongside the ongoing police investigation. There currently is a $7,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest in the case. If you have any information you can call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS.

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