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REMINDER: Phoenix is changing its bulk trash collection process and here's what you need to know

On May 15 it was announced that the city would move to an Appointment-Based Bulk Trash system.
The new system is easy and very convenient.
The new system is easy and very convenient.

Phoenix, Arizona: As announced earlier Phoenix is changing the way bulk trash is collected. On May 15 it was announced that the city would move to an Appointment-Based Bulk Trash system. In the new program residents will be able to schedule their own bulk trash collection. Appointment-based bulk trash collection begins on September 30, 2024. All bulk trash collection on or after that date must be scheduled online.

All bulk trash collection on or after September 30 must be scheduled online.
All bulk trash collection on or after September 30 must be scheduled online.

Why is this better for citizens?

Citizens will have the freedom to schedule bulk trash pickup based on when they need it, rather than according to a citywide calendar. Residents will schedule a pickup date online. The portal will offer available collection dates based on the customer’s address. Upon selecting a date, customers will get an email confirmation and can then begin to place their large items at the edge of their property no more than seven days ahead of their pickup appointment. The new program will eliminate the collection of bulk trash in alleys. Customers will be allowed up to 10 cubic yards of trash per collection (approximately 17 ft. X 4 ft. X 4 ft.).

Customers will be allowed up to 10 cubic yards of trash per collection.
Customers will be allowed up to 10 cubic yards of trash per collection.

Can you schedule a pickup any day of the year? 

No you cannot. The new model will NOT allow customers to schedule collection on dates surrounding Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day each year. This is being done in order to eliminate trash piles during times when visitors and trick-or-treaters are out and about.

Make sure you keep up-to-date on all the info you need.
Make sure you keep up-to-date on all the info you need.

Keep a look-out for illegal dumping of trash

Illegal dumping – also known as “midnight dumping” and “open dumping” is the dumping of trash without legal permission at another location. This includes dumping yard waste, appliances, tires and other garbage in alleys, dumpsters, vacant lots and open desert locations.

If illegal dumping is in progress, call:

Police Department at 9-1-1 (emergencies)​

Crime Stop at 602-262-6151 (non-emergencies)

​​Otherwise, contact Public Works at 602-262-6251. 

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