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Save Balboa: MCACC shelter's longest resident faces race to find a home as euthanization date nears

If not adopted by August 29, the adorable pooch will likely be euthanized.
Balboa, a Blue/White American Pitbull Terrier, arrived just after Christmas, on December 29.
Balboa, a Blue/White American Pitbull Terrier, arrived just after Christmas, on December 29.

Phoenix, Arizona: Could this be the comeback story that would make Rocky Balboa proud? After spending 250 days in the care of the Maricopa County Animal Care & Control (MCACC) shelter in Phoenix, the 3-year-old Balboa is fast running out of road. If not adopted by August 29, the adorable pooch will likely be euthanized.

In a Facebook post the MCACC said Balboa, a Blue/White American Pitbull Terrier, arrived just after Christmas, on December 29, and in spite of being a "friendly, very sweet boy", Balboa struggles with health issues. He was recently examined due to chronic ear infections and medical staff found the 70lb cutie to have a 4/6, left and right heart murmur. This major issue means balboa is finding it difficult to find a forever home

Balboa needs a chance to be the happy dog he is, and to make some family or person a companion who will bring light into their lives.
Balboa needs a chance to be the happy dog he is, and to make some family or person a companion who will bring light into their lives.

According to the post "Balboa is an amazing loose leash walker. He knows commands of sit, shake, lay down and drop it when he has a toy in his mouth. Balboa is very friendly, ignores most dogs, is energetic but well mannered and easy to manage."

Yes Balboa's health issues mean he needs extra attention, but he also needs a chance to be the happy dog he is, and to make some family or person a companion who will bring light into their lives.

You can visit the West Shelter at 2500 S. 27th Avenue or call them on 602-506-7387

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