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Scottsdale airport wins FAA Western-Pacific Region award

The award is given to an airport sponsor that has demonstrated outstanding performance.
Scottsdale Airport’s runway and taxiway as seen from the Volanti restaurant. Camelback Mountain is in the background. (Photograph courtesy 	Richard N Horne)
Scottsdale Airport’s runway and taxiway as seen from the Volanti restaurant. Camelback Mountain is in the background. (Photograph courtesy Richard N Horne)

Scottsdale, Arizona (Release):  Scottsdale Airport has been awarded the Outstanding Airport Award at the Federal Aviation Administration's Western-Pacific Region All Airports conference.

What is the Outstanding Airport Award?

The recipient of this award is an airport sponsor that has demonstrated outstanding performance in the administration of grants; projects under the AIP program or the PFC program; the development/implementation of a specific program or activity that has improved airport safety; achievements resulting in benefit to aviation users, such as capacity enhancement, or improvement to airport facilities; other achievements of benefit to the region, including community outreach, intergovernmental cooperative efforts, or programs.

Scottsdale airport staff at the FAA's Western-Pacific Region All Airports conference, where the airport won the Outstanding Airport Award. (Photograph courtesy Scottsdale Airport)
Scottsdale airport staff at the FAA's Western-Pacific Region All Airports conference, where the airport won the Outstanding Airport Award. (Photograph courtesy Scottsdale Airport)

Scottsdale airport facts and figures

Scottsdale airport hosts around 171,675 takeoffs and landings per year (est. recorded in 2023), making it one of the busiest corporate jet facilities in the state: Approximately 422 aircraft call Scottsdale Airport base.

The airport that began operations in 1942 as the Army Air Corps' Thunderbird Field II (it was acquired by the City of Scottsdale in 1966) currently supports 5,970 local jobs and Scottsdale Airpark is the state's second-largest employment center. 

It is also one of the hubs for JetSuiteX (JSX) airlines with flights from Scottsdale to Burbank, Denver–Rocky Mountain, Las Vegas, and Orange County.

From October 2, JSX will also operate flights from Scottsdale to Dallas's Love Field. JSX CEO Alex Wilcox told ABC15: “When customers ask, JSX delivers, and our dedicated fliers have been requesting a link between Dallas and Scottsdale since we first established our headquarters in the Lone Star State.”

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