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Surprise! You've Been Served: Mom arrested at meeting for criticizing officials fights back

The incident occurred on August 20, 2024, when Massy took to the podium to express her concerns.
Massy was eventually forcibly removed from the meeting by a police officer and cited for trespassing.
Massy was eventually forcibly removed from the meeting by a police officer and cited for trespassing.

Surprise, Arizona: A federal lawsuit has been filed against the city of Surprise, alleging the violation of a woman's First Amendment rights after her arrest at a city council meeting in August. The lawsuit, brought by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), stems from the arrest of Rebecca Massey, who was removed from the meeting for criticizing city officials.

Rebecca Massy, a Surprise resident, criticized the city attorney's salary at the meeting.
Rebecca Massy, a Surprise resident, criticized the city attorney's salary at the meeting.

The incident occurred on August 20, 2024, when Massy took to the podium to express her concerns, but was interrupted by Mayor Skip Hall who cited a city rule that prohibits using oral communications at council meetings to lodge charges or complaints against city employees. Unperturbed by Hall's comments, Massy continued to speak, leading to a tense exchange between her and the mayor.

“Do you want to be escorted out of here?” Mayor Hall asked Massy, as the situation escalated.

“You are violating my First Amendment rights,” Massy responded, refusing to leave the podium voluntarily.

Massy was eventually forcibly removed from the meeting by a police officer and cited for trespassing. Video footage of the incident shows Massy repeatedly telling the officer not to touch her as she was escorted out.

The arrest and subsequent legal action have sparked a debate over free speech at public meetings. FIRE, a national organization that defends individual rights, announced that it has filed the lawsuit in federal court, claiming Massey’s constitutional right to free speech was infringed upon.

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