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Tempe Fire: As a mother lies in a coma, a distraught community prepares to bury her babies

Valerie is currently in a medically induced coma and her recovery remains uncertain.
Also killed were Valerie's boyfriend Christian Ruiz and mother-in-law.
Also killed were Valerie's boyfriend Christian Ruiz and mother-in-law.

Tempe, Arizona: It's been two weeks since a house fire in Tempe's Chaparral neighborhood shattered a family. The blaze claimed the lives of four people, including two young children. Among the victims were three-year-old Ariareli Ruiz and 18-month-old Ellany Ruiz. Their mother, 22-year-old Valerie Mago González remains in critical condition in the hospital, battling for her life after suffering third-degree burns on most of her body. Also killed were Valerie's boyfriend Christian Ruiz and mother-in-law.

Among the victims were three-year-old Ariareli Ruiz, 18-month-old Ellany Ruiz, and Christian Ruiz.
Among the victims were three-year-old Ariareli Ruiz, 18-month-old Ellany Ruiz, and Christian Ruiz.

According to a report by ABC15, Valerie is currently in a medically induced coma and her recovery remains uncertain.

"What's ripping me apart is that I have to bury my daughters that aren't mine. And she can't even see them, hug them, say anything before they're gone," a relative told the network.

Over the weekend, family members and friends organized a car wash fundraiser in hopes of raising money for Valerie’s ongoing medical treatment. The cost of care is expected to be substantial as she continues her battle to survive.

The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing.
The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing.

As Valerie's family prepares fo the funerals of Valerie's children and Ruiz, they hope that she regains consciousness and have the opportunity to say a final goodbye.

"I asked if before the memorial she could see her daughters, just so that she can at least say goodbye without even knowing that it’s her last goodbye," the relative said.

The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing.

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