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Tempe gets $12.5m in DoT funding, here's what it's going to be used for

This grant is through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the Safe Streets and Roads for All.
A full public input process will take place including public meetings and a public comment period.
A full public input process will take place including public meetings and a public comment period.

Tempe, Arizona:  The City of Tempe has received $12.5 million in funding from the Department of Transportation to execute strategies identified in Tempe’s Vision Zero Action Plan.

These safety improvements will be implemented along a 3.9-mile corridor of Baseline Road (Priest Drive to State Route 101) where several serious or fatal crashes have occurred. Between 2017 and 2021, there were 35 fatal or serious-injury crashes in the corridor.

“This grant could save lives,” said Tempe Mayor Corey Woods. “The goal of Tempe’s Vision Zero Action Plan is to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries. One way we can do that is making our street infrastructure safer.  

These safety improvements will be implemented along a 3.9-mile corridor of Baseline Road.
These safety improvements will be implemented along a 3.9-mile corridor of Baseline Road.

“The $12.5 million grant through the Safe Streets and Roads for All Program will improve traffic flow and safety along Baseline Road through signalized pedestrian crossings, dedicated turn and bike lanes, and high-visibility crosswalk striping. These are proven ways to make streets safer.”

What is the SS4 Program?

This grant is through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. The Safe Streets and Roads for All program provides grants directly to communities for implementation, planning, and demonstration projects aimed at preventing deaths and serious injuries on the nation’s roadways.

Since launching in 2022, SS4A has funded projects in more than 1,400 communities, supporting roadway safety for nearly 75% of the US population.

“Our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues to get Arizona communities like Tempe the resources they need to invest in our roadways and make them safer and more accessible for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,” said Rep. Greg Stanton.

“The SS4A program gives local and tribal governments the resources to plan and implement the safety improvements that will make the most difference in their communities,” said US Transportation Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg. “They know what is best, and this program leverages that local expertise to save lives.”

A full public input process will take place including public meetings and a public comment period before the project will be finalized.

Some of the proposed safety enhancements are...

Dedicated turn lanes and protected-only left turns.

A signalized pedestrian crossing connecting multimodal facilities.

Bus pullouts and shelters.

Buffered bike lanes.

High-visibility crosswalk striping.

Enhancing intersection lighting.

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