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Tempe's EnVision Center: When it's opening, and why it's important to the community

The center will also feature The Hive: A community tech center, created by IDIA.
The Tempe Hive is the largest in IDIA’s Hive network.
The Tempe Hive is the largest in IDIA’s Hive network.

Tempe, Arizona: Tempe will be opening the Tempe EnVision Center on Wednesday, September 18. The center, located at 1310 E. Apache Blvd, is a new resource and resilience hub that aims to provide a one-stop shop for employment, education, technology access and support, local food programs, emergency preparedness, health and wellness, et al.

The Tempe EnVision Center is designed to encourage connection and collaboration in an open, modern space.
The Tempe EnVision Center is designed to encourage connection and collaboration in an open, modern space.

“Tempe EnVision is an exciting new addition to our community center family,” said Tempe Mayor Corey Woods. “The offerings available here are going to make a big difference for so many in the community.”

The Tempe EnVision Center is designed to encourage connection and collaboration in an open, modern space. The center features several meeting spaces for community members, neighborhood groups and local organizations; booths for one-on-one sessions and collaboration and a café space for snacks.

The center features several meeting spaces for community members
The center features several meeting spaces for community members

The center will also feature The Hive: A community tech center, created by IDIA (The Institute for Digital Inclusion Acceleration). The Hive will offer free access to technology for the Tempe community, plus free workshops, camps, and classes to help develop digital skills. IDIA currently operates three other Hives in Maricopa County, staffed by teams of friendly Digital Navigators who are helping eliminate the digital divide. The Tempe Hive is the largest in IDIA’s Hive network and is the first location to include a stand-alone telehealth room. 

“We are thrilled to bring The Hive concept to Tempe, and excited to meet the Tempe community, “said Dr. Erin Carr-Jordan, President and CEO of IDIA.

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