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'Thanksgiving Grandma' Wanda Dench's health news shocks community, but love pours forth

Dench is best known for a text message in 2016 that led to a heartwarming Thanksgiving tradition.
Now, Dench is using her platform to raise awareness.
Now, Dench is using her platform to raise awareness.

Phoenix, Arizona: Wanda Dench, 67, who became an internet sensation in 2016 for accidentally inviting a stranger, Jamal Hinton, to Thanksgiving dinner, has revealed her recent breast cancer diagnosis. She shared that she is currently undergoing chemotherapy and has one month left before beginning radiation treatments.

Dench is best known for an accidental text message in 2016 that led to a heartwarming Thanksgiving tradition. She became widely recognized after she mistakenly invited a teenager, Jamal Hinton, to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner via text, thinking she was messaging her grandson. When Jamal, a stranger at the time, pointed out the mistake, he humorously asked if he could still come to dinner. Wanda welcomed him, saying, "Of course you can. That’s what grandmas do...feed everyone."

The story gained depth during the COVID-19 pandemic when Wanda's husband, Lonnie Dench, passed away from the virus in 2020.
The story gained depth during the COVID-19 pandemic when Wanda's husband, Lonnie Dench, passed away from the virus in 2020.

Since then, Jamal has attended Wanda’s Thanksgiving celebrations every year, and their unique bond has been widely shared on social media. Their story has inspired many, and it has continued to evolve over the years, with both families becoming close friends.

The story gained depth during the COVID-19 pandemic when Wanda's husband, Lonnie Dench, passed away from the virus in 2020. Despite the tragic loss, Wanda and Jamal continued their Thanksgiving tradition, honoring Lonnie’s memory.

Dench disclosed her diagnosis during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. "I've been in chemotherapy for the last two months, and I have one more month to go before starting radiation," she said, while remaining optimistic about her treatment.

Dench credits her strong support system, including her Thanksgiving buddy, Jamal Hinton.
Dench credits her strong support system, including her Thanksgiving buddy, Jamal Hinton.

Dench's unexpected diagnosis came during a routine CT scan for a cough. The scan revealed a mass, leading to the discovery of Stage 1 breast cancer. The diagnosis was a shock for Dench, who had previously led a healthy life and stopped regular mammograms after turning 65. "I had mammograms throughout my younger years, and when I hit 65, I thought that would be my last one since breast cancer doesn’t run in my family."

Now, Dench is using her platform to raise awareness, encouraging women, especially those in her age group, to continue regular screenings. "Just because I’m 67 now, it doesn’t mean I should stop getting checkups. My message to women is: don't stop, because we still have more life to live. Catching things early can make a huge difference."

Dench credits her strong support system, including her Thanksgiving buddy, Jamal Hinton, who will be spending the holiday with her once again this year. "We’re trying to figure out whether he’ll come here or I’ll go down there, but we’ll be together for Thanksgiving."

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