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The Day Phoenix 'Burned': A look back at June 26, 1990 and the worst heat waves to hit the city

What started off as hot went on to become something biblically unprecedented.
The peak temperature in Phoenix was just 12F cooler than the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. (Photo: An AI-generated image representing extreme heat in an urban setting)
The peak temperature in Phoenix was just 12F cooler than the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. (Photo: An AI-generated image representing extreme heat in an urban setting)

Phoenix, Arizona: When the 1990 heat wave began around June 18, everyone in Phoenix knew it was going to be bad. What people didn't know, however, that the temperature would eventually top out just 12ºF cooler that the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet. That record is held by Furnace Creek in Death Valley, where on July 7, 1913 a temperature of 134ºF was recorded (a temperature of 136.4ºF recorded in 1922 in El Azizia, Libya was rejected after an investigation by the World Meteorological Organization Commission of Climatology).

A front page clipping from 'The Arizona Republic' charting the progress of the record-breaking temperature.
A front page clipping from 'The Arizona Republic' charting the progress of the record-breaking temperature.

On June 20, according to a report in Weather Bus, the high temperature in Phoenix reached 113º and remained there through June 24. But by June 25 things has started heating up and Phoenix touched 120ºF (at the time a record). What was to follow was biblically unprecedented.

On June 26, the morning sun brought a spike in temperatures. By 8am it was already 91ºF and as the hours ticked by the mercury began to rise steadily, then swiftly. By 11am it was 112ºF and things were beginning to head into the uncharted. But by 2pm the record had been equalled at 120ºF and was smashed by 4pm when it hit 122ºF. 

An AccuWeather grahic showing the worst heat waves to hit Phoenix since 1895.
An AccuWeather grahic showing the worst heat waves to hit Phoenix since 1895.

Here are the worst heat waves to hit Arizona

July 1990 Heat Wave

When: July 1990

Peak Temperature: Phoenix reached a record high of 122°F (50°C) on June 26, 1990.

Impact: This heat wave caused multiple deaths and numerous heat-related illnesses. It also led to significant power outages due to the increased demand for air conditioning.

June 2017 Heat Wave

When: Mid-June 2017

Peak Temperature: Phoenix recorded temperatures of 119°F (48°C) on June 20, 2017.

Impact: The extreme heat caused flight cancellations at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, as certain aircraft couldn't operate under such high temperatures. Numerous heat-related illnesses and deaths were also reported.

July 2005 Heat Wave

When: Late July 2005

Peak Temperature: Phoenix experienced temperatures above 110°F (43°C) for a prolonged period.

Impact: This heat wave resulted in the deaths of several dozen people, many of whom were homeless or elderly.

June 2016 Heat Wave

When: Mid to late June 2016

Peak Temperature: Phoenix hit 118°F (48°C) on June 19, 2016.

Impact: The heat wave caused multiple deaths and forced many outdoor events to be canceled or rescheduled. The extreme temperatures also posed challenges for firefighters battling wildfires in the region.

June 2021 Heat Wave

Duration: Mid-June 2021

Peak Temperature: Phoenix recorded 118°F (48°C) on June 17, 2021.

Impact: This heat wave led to an increase in heat-related illnesses and deaths, with hospitals seeing a surge in patients. The power grid was heavily strained, and several wildfires were exacerbated by the high temperatures and dry conditions.

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