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The killing of Claudia Lucero: As Alex Madrid's murder trial begins, victim's family braces for long wait

The trial is expected to continue through the end of January.
The trial has all the signs of being a long one that's extremely hard on the victim's family.
The trial has all the signs of being a long one that's extremely hard on the victim's family.

Mesa, Arizona: The capital murder trial for Alex Madrid, accused of the 2013 murder of 14-year-old Claudia Lucero, began on Thursday. Claudia's body was discovered strangled and left in a dumpster near her home, and Madrid, her mother’s ex-boyfriend, is facing the death penalty if convicted.

What happened to Claudia?

According to the prosecution, on December 5, 2013, Claudia’s mother ended her relationship with Madrid and forced him to move out, Madrid returned to the apartment on the morning of the murder. They allege that Madrid sexually assaulted Claudia and then strangled her with a ligature before wrapping her body in a comforter and disposing of it in a nearby dumpster.

Claudia’s body was reportedly wrapped in a trunk floor mat matching the make and model of Madrid’s car.
Claudia’s body was reportedly wrapped in a trunk floor mat matching the make and model of Madrid’s car.

What evidence did the police have to arrest Madrid?

DNA evidence, cellphone data, and physical items found at the crime scene all link Madrid to the crime, according to the prosecution. Also, Claudia’s body was reportedly wrapped in a trunk floor mat matching the make and model of Madrid’s car.

What is Madrid's defense?

The defense is challenging the timeline, claiming that surveillance footage shows an improbable window for Madrid to have disposed of the body. They assert that the dumpster was emptied at 7.18am, leaving only a 10-minute gap before the next recorded footage at 7.28am, during which they claim it would have been impossible for Madrid to commit the crime. The defense further argues that the police fixated on Madrid as a suspect early on and failed to investigate other possibilities.

When is a verdict expected?

The trial is expected to continue through the end of January, with 18 jurors, including six alternates, selected to hear the case. 

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