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Tolleson nears cell phone ban in schools in line with Scottsdale and Gilbert

Scottsdale has a policy where students are not allowed to use cell phones during instructional time.
The district recognizes, however, that no solution will be effective without the support of the entire school community.
The district recognizes, however, that no solution will be effective without the support of the entire school community.

Tolleson, Arizona: A recent governing board meeting of the Tolleson Union High School District sparked debate among students, parents, and educators over a potential ban of cell phones in classrooms. The discussion, which took place earlier this week, centered around growing concerns that smartphones were causing a major distraction during school hours.

To tackle the problem, Tolleson Union High School District is exploring a variety of strategies. (Inforgraph: Pew Research Center)
To tackle the problem, Tolleson Union High School District is exploring a variety of strategies. (Inforgraph: Pew Research Center)

Deputy Superintendent Juan Ceja, while addressing the issue, highlighted the creative lengths some students go to in order to bypass current restrictions, such as bringing dummy phones to school while secretly holding onto their real devices.

To tackle the problem, Tolleson Union High School District is exploring a variety of strategies implemented by other districts across the state. Schools in Scottsdale, Gilbert, Apache Junction, and Bullhead City have adopted different approaches, from requiring students to store their phones in backpacks or dedicated lockers during class, to establishing designated “phone zones” on campus where students are allowed to use their devices during breaks.

One of the more unconventional methods under consideration is the use of locking devices similar to those found at events. (Infograph: Pew Research Center)
One of the more unconventional methods under consideration is the use of locking devices similar to those found at events. (Infograph: Pew Research Center)

These devices would allow students to carry their phones but prevent them from using them during school hours. However, the district recognizes that no solution will be effective without the support of the entire school community.

Acording to 12 News, parent opinions on the proposed ban are generally positive, with many agreeing that cell phones are a significant distraction in the classroom. Students, however, are largely opposed to the idea, expressing concerns about being unable to contact their parents in case of an emergency. As of now, no final decision has been made, and the district plans to continue the discussion in future meetings. 

Parent opinions on the proposed ban are generally positive. (Infographic: Pew Research Center)
Parent opinions on the proposed ban are generally positive. (Infographic: Pew Research Center)

Some school districts that are tackling the cell phone issue

San Mateo Union High School District (California)

In 2019, the district implemented a policy that requires students to store their cell phones in Yondr pouches during school hours. These pouches lock the phones, preventing students from using them until they are unlocked at the end of the school day.

Spokane Public Schools (Washington)

As of 2023, Spokane Public Schools implemented a policy banning cell phone use during instructional time across all middle and high schools. Phones must be kept in backpacks or lockers during class.

South Portland School District (Maine)

In 2019, the district implemented a complete ban on cell phones during school hours for middle school students. High school students are also required to keep phones in their lockers during class.

Springfield Public Schools (Missouri)

In 2023, Springfield Public Schools enacted a district-wide policy banning cell phones during class time. Phones must be stored in lockers or out of sight and not used until the end of the school day.

Forest Hills School District (Ohio)

In 2022, the district implemented a policy that requires students to store their cell phones in lockers throughout the school day. The ban applies to all students from elementary through high school.

Scottsdale Unified School District (Arizona)

The district has a policy where students are not allowed to use cell phones during instructional time. Phones must be kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated areas.

Gilbert Public Schools (Arizona)

Gilbert Public Schools enforce a policy that restricts cell phone use during class time. The district encourages students to keep their phones in their backpacks or lockers.

Bullhead City School District (Arizona)

Bullhead City schools have designated areas where students are allowed to use their phones during non-instructional times. Phones must be stored away during class.

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