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U of A joins Stars College Network in boost to prospective students from rural areas

U of A recruiters visit state schools, offering programs to introduce students to campus life.
U of A, a land-grant research institution, aims to inspire and support students from rural communities through various outreach programs.
U of A, a land-grant research institution, aims to inspire and support students from rural communities through various outreach programs.

Phoenix, Arizona: The University of Arizona (U of A) has joined the STARS (Small Town and Rural Students) College Network, a program designed to support students from small towns and rural areas in pursuing higher education.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to increase college attendance among rural students, who face unique challenges in accessing higher education. The STARS Network, supported by a $20 million gift from Trott Family Philanthropies, helps students visit member campuses and prepares them for college.

U of A, a land-grant research institution, aims to inspire and support students from rural communities through various outreach programs. As part of this commitment, U of A recruiters visit every high school in the state, offering programs like Arizona Road Trip to introduce students to campus life.

Dr Kasey Urquídez, U of A's chief enrollment officer U of A's chief enrollment officer and Dean of undergraduate admissions, emphasizes the importance of these initiatives in helping students envision themselves in higher education settings.
Dr Kasey Urquídez, U of A's chief enrollment officer and Dean of undergraduate admissions, emphasizes the importance of these initiatives in helping students envision themselves in higher education settings.

Dr Kasey Urquídez, U of A's chief enrollment officer and Dean of undergraduate admissions, emphasizes the importance of these initiatives in helping students envision themselves in higher education settings. The U of A joins Dartmouth University, Duke University, Stanford University, the University of California Berkeley, the University of Notre Dame, the University of Southern California and others as new members this year. 

What obstacles do rural students face?

While students from rural areas graduate high school at similar rates to their urban counterparts, they are only half as likely to graduate from selective colleges. Rural students often lack exposure to college resources and face barriers such as high counselor caseloads and limited access to college information. The average national caseload for rural counselors is 310 students. This means that students may have less access to educators and college access professionals who have broad experience and familiarity with the full spectrum of college opportunities.

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