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Valley Metro boss Jessica Mefford-Miller selected as one of Arizona's 'Most Influential Women'

Before Valley Metro, Mefford-Miller served as the Executive Director of Metro Transit in St Louis.
Jessica Mefford-Miller's career highlights include leading a significant reimagining of the bus system in St. Louis.
Jessica Mefford-Miller's career highlights include leading a significant reimagining of the bus system in St. Louis.

Phoenix, Arizona: Valley Metro CEO Jessica Mefford-Miller has been selected as one of the Most Influential Women in Arizona Business for 2024. Mefford-Miller is featured on the cover of the July/August issue of 'Az Business' magazine, profiled inside the magazine, and will be honored at the corresponding Most Influential Women in Arizona celebration dinner on Thursday, August 22.

Jessica Mefford-Miller took on the role at Valley Metro in April 2022.
Jessica Mefford-Miller took on the role at Valley Metro in April 2022.

How is the list chosen?

From 1,900 women, the editorial board of 'Az Business' in conjunction with a panel of 12 judges made up of former Most Influential Women, selected the women who are being honored in 2024.

“Based on nominations, women who have been in the news over the past year and recommendations from former Most Influential Women, there were nearly 1,900 women under consideration to be one of the Most Influential Women in Arizona Business for 2024,” said 'Az Business' Publisher Amy Lindsey. “The fact that we are more than a decade into the Most Influential Women program and still have 1,900 women under consideration is a testament to the depth of female leadership we have in Arizona.”

From academic superstar to transport tsar

Jessica Mefford-Miller took on the role at Valley Metro in April 2022, following a comprehensive national search. Before joining Valley Metro, Mefford-Miller served as the Executive Director of Metro Transit in St. Louis, where she led the planning and design of various transit services, including bus, light rail, paratransit, and microtransit.

Mefford-Miller's career highlights include leading a significant reimagining of the bus system in St. Louis, which enhanced service frequencies and introduced a battery electric bus program aimed at renewable energy integration. She also has a strong background in geography, holding a B.S. from Southern Illinois University, an M.S. from Texas State University, and pursuing a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University​.

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