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'We owe it to our children': Tempe cracks down on brass knuckles

Councilmember Berdetta Hodge spearheaded the effort to create a new ordinance.
The Tempe City Council approved the ordinance unanimously.
The Tempe City Council approved the ordinance unanimously.

Tempe, Arizona: A new ordinance will make it illegal for anyone to have brass knuckles in Tempe’s public places. Also, it will be illegal to sell them to minors.

Councilmember Berdetta Hodge spearheaded the effort to create a new ordinance to protect Tempe’s community and its young people from brass knuckles after several Tempe residents raised concerns about these weapons.  

“Our community deserves to be safe. Our children deserve to be safe. That’s our job as Councilmembers – to keep our community safe,” she said.

Councilmember Berdetta Hodge and Connor Jarnagan after the unanimous vote to approve a brass knuckles ordinance in Tempe.
Councilmember Berdetta Hodge and Connor Jarnagan after the unanimous vote to approve a brass knuckles ordinance in Tempe.

During the September 5 Tempe City Council meeting, Connor Jarnagan spoke about his experience of being attacked by someone using brass knuckles and implored the City Council to adopt the ordinance to prevent future violence.

"Brass knuckles are dangerous weapons with a single purpose in mind -- to inflict maximum harm on another human being," he said. "If the punch had landed an inch to the left, doctors told me I could have been paralyzed or killed."

The Tempe City Council approved the ordinance unanimously. The ordinance takes effect in 30 days. Violating the ordinance is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. 

How are brass knuckles regulated across the US?

Brass knuckles are regulated differently across various states, with some banning their possession, use, or sale entirely. As of 2024, brass knuckles are illegal in at least 21 states.

States like California, Michigan, Illinois, Vermont, and New York have strict laws prohibiting the possession, sale, or use of brass knuckles, treating them as dangerous weapons. In these states, possessing brass knuckles can result in misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the circumstances.

In contrast, states like Texas allow the possession of brass knuckles, though they may be regulated, especially if used in the commission of a crime. Other states, like South Carolina and Georgia, only consider brass knuckles illegal if they are used with intent to commit a crime​.

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