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Weekend traffic update: Jomax road closure on I-17 will cause delays

The closure at Jomax Road using the off- and on-ramps is scheduled to begin at 10pm Friday.
Weekend traffic is going to be slow-moving, so plan ahead.
Weekend traffic is going to be slow-moving, so plan ahead.

Phoenix, Arizona: Drivers planning to use northbound Interstate 17 in the north Valley this weekend should budget extra time. A pavement improvement project is taking traffic off and back on at Jomax Road and reducing the freeway to one lane until Loop 303/Sonoran Desert Drive.

The closure at Jomax Road using the off- and on-ramps and the lane restrictions are scheduled to begin at 10pm Friday and end by 5am Monday, August 12. Drivers should plan for delays, especially from morning to early afternoon Saturday and Sunday, and may want to consider traveling through the area earlier or later.

ADOT will be placing local-only closures at neighborhood entrances on a number of streets near I-17 to help direct detour traffic away from local roadways.
ADOT will be placing local-only closures at neighborhood entrances on a number of streets near I-17 to help direct detour traffic away from local roadways.

To help keep traffic moving through the work zone, Jomax Road will be closed at I-17 other than for northbound drivers exiting the freeway to turn right. Crews are continuing a project to improve the ride on 6 miles of I-17 between Happy Valley Road and State Route 74. Additional I-17 closures or lane restrictions will be needed as the work proceeds.

 Law enforcement officers will be stationed at intersections throughout the area to assist with traffic flow.

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