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'We're losing a generation': Kari Lake on Trump, fentanyl and what America needs to emerge from dark phase

Lake shared heart-wrenching stories of families affected by fentanyl.
Lake expressed her frustration with how the media portrays her.
Lake expressed her frustration with how the media portrays her.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin: In a recent interview with KTAR's Mike Broomhead at the Republican National Convention, Kari Lake shared insights on her campaign, her recent speech, and the future of the Republican party.

Kari Lake's name recognition has significantly risen, both within Arizona and on a national level. During the interview, it was evident that her popularity and influence have grown, with numerous people associating her with Arizona politics. Lake attributes this to her dedication and passion for improving the country, particularly for future generations. "I think it's a gift," she said. "Name [association] and recognition are crucial in politics, but more importantly, people know I care and that I’m a fighter."

Kari Lake seen here with former president Donald Trump at the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 at the RNC in Milwaukee.
Kari Lake seen here with former president Donald Trump at the Republican presidential candidate for 2024 at the RNC in Milwaukee.

Lake’s RNC speech, focusing on making America safe again, resonated deeply with the audience. She humorously noted the challenges of being a middle-aged woman in politics, saying, "We need to send a fed-up middle-aged woman to Washington DC to get something done."

Lake expressed her frustration with how the media portrays her, often attempting to tear her down despite her "genuine efforts to unify and improve the country". "The love I get here is wonderful," she said, emphasizing the support she received at the RNC.

Lake's campaign has seen some impressive fundraising efforts, amassing $5.2 million in the last quarter. She acknowledged the importance of having substantial financial resources to compete, especially against well-funded Democratic opponents. "Our polling looks really good," she stated, indicating her confidence in the campaign's trajectory.

Lake's vision extends beyond Arizona, aiming to bring together Republicans, independents, and disaffected Democrats to collectively rebuild the nation.
Lake's vision extends beyond Arizona, aiming to bring together Republicans, independents, and disaffected Democrats to collectively rebuild the nation.

Lake touched on the unity within the Republican party, particularly after the recent debate and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. She believes that former President Trump’s call for unity is being heeded, as evidenced by the supportive speeches from various Republican figures.

"President Trump has always wanted unity," she said. "Many who once ran against him are now coming together, recognizing the need for a collective effort to address the nation's challenges."

A significant portion of the interview was dedicated to discussing the tragedy of fentanyl overdoses and the broader issue of national safety. Lake shared heart-wrenching stories of families affected by fentanyl, emphasizing the need for stricter measures against drug trafficking and cartels. "We are losing a generation," she said, highlighting the urgency of tackling this crisis.

Lake's vision extends beyond Arizona, aiming to bring together Republicans, independents, and disaffected Democrats to collectively rebuild the nation. She applauded Meghan McCain’s recent comments about unifying the country and expressed her desire for all Americans to work together. "There's absolutely nothing we can't accomplish when we come together as Americans," she said.

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