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Who is AJ Ramos? Meet the Arizona golf prodigy who's got clubhouses talking

Ramos cites Norwegian pro golfer Viktor Hovland as a role model.
AJ Ramos's journey in golf began early, with his father introducing him to the sport when he was just four years old.
AJ Ramos's journey in golf began early, with his father introducing him to the sport when he was just four years old.

Phoenix, Arizona: In an impressive feat, 14-year-old golfer AJ Ramos from Tucson, Arizona, made headlines by shooting a 59 at the Junior Golf Association of Arizona's Sam Schanafelt Summer Classic. This places Ramos among an elite group of golfers, highlighting his undeniable talent at such a young age.

AJ Ramos's journey in golf began early, with his father introducing him to the sport when he was just four years old. Since then, the golf course has become his second home, where he has spent countless hours honing his skills.

The golf course has become AJ's second home.
The golf course has become AJ's second home.

“My parents had to take me out of the course and take away my clubs to ground me from playing golf,” Ramos recalls.

At the age of 14, Ramos achieved an 11-under-par score. “It was good to see that all my hard work paying off,” Ramos said, reflecting on his accomplishment.

Ramos cites Norwegian pro golfer Viktor Hovland as a role model, emulating his positive attitude and mental toughness on the course. “He’s always out there having a good time, being happy. I feel like that’s my mental game. I try to match as much to him as possible,” Ramos explained.

To aspiring golfers, Ramos offers valuable advice: “You’re never always going to be perfect. You just have to try and do every shot the best you can. If it goes poorly, just learn from it and go on to the next shot.”

AJ Ramos’s season continues as he prepares for the Notah Begay III Junior Golf National Championship in New Mexico. 

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