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Who is Chenoa Nickerson? Search continues for Gilbert woman swept away in flash flood near Havasu Creek

No deaths have been reported due to the flooding.
Nickerson was hiking with her husband and several others when the sudden flood hit.
Nickerson was hiking with her husband and several others when the sudden flood hit.

Havasupai Indian Reservation, Arizona: Governor Katie Hobbs called in the Arizona National Guard on Friday to help with the flooding in the Grand Canyon area.

The Havasupai Tribe requested the assistance, that includes a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. While no deaths have been reported due to the flooding, 33-year-old Chenoa Nickerson from Gilbert is missing after being washed away. Chenoa, who was hiking in the Havasupai area when the flash flood struck, was separated from her husband on Thursday around 1.30pm.

The Supai area gives access to the popular Havasu Falls swimming area. (Photo: Stephen Leonardi)
The Supai area gives access to the popular Havasu Falls swimming area. (Photo: Stephen Leonardi)

What happened to Chenoa Nickerson?

Chenoa was washed away near Havasu Creek, about half a mile above its confluence with the Colorado River. At the time, Nickerson was hiking with her husband and several others when the sudden flood hit, catching the group by surprise. Despite rescue efforts, she has not been located, and search operations by the National Park Service are ongoing.

Nickerson has been described as 5'8", 190 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. She was not wearing a life jacket when she was swept into the creek. The search has been complicated by challenging weather and terrain conditions, but rescuers are continuing their efforts to locate her.

“My heart is with all of the people impacted by the flooding in Havasupai, including Tribal members and visitors to the area,” Hobbs said in a statement. “The safety and security of Arizonans and all those who visit our state is always my top concern, and I’ll continue working closely with leaders on the ground to protect the Havasupai community.”

The Havasupai Tribe Tourism Office said the Supai area is closed through Sunday. The Tribal Council asked anyone with reservations not to come, as no one will be allowed access to the area. The Supai area gives access to the popular Havasu Falls swimming area.

If you have any information regarding Nickerson, please contact the NPS ISB Tip Line at (888) 653-0009.

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