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Who is Shelli Boggs? Deconstructing the Republican candidate for Maricopa County School superintendent

Boggs will now take on Democratic opponent Laura Metcalfe in November.
Boggs entered politics in 2018. She ran for and won a position on the Governing Board of EVIT.
Boggs entered politics in 2018. She ran for and won a position on the Governing Board of EVIT.

Phoenix, Arizona: Earlier in the week Shelli Boggs defeated Maricopa County School superintendent Steve Watson in the Republican primary. Boggs will now take on Democratic opponent Laura Metcalfe in the November general election for one of the most important posts in the county's education sector. So who is Shelli Boggs? Here's a primer.

Early life and education

Shelli Boggs grew up in Mesa, Arizona. She achieved notable success in high school sports, winning an Arizona State Softball Championship and earning a spot in the Mesa Sports Hall of Fame. She graduated from the University of Phoenix in 2007 with a certification to teach secondary education, specializing in Business/Marketing and Industrial Technology​.

Boggs has worked as a teacher for over a decade and served in leadership roles at the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT).
Boggs has worked as a teacher for over a decade and served in leadership roles at the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT).

A career in education

Boggs has worked as a teacher for over a decade and served in leadership roles at the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT). Her tenure at EVIT was marked by the doubling of student enrollment, reducing administrative costs, and introducing new educational programs without raising taxes.

Entry into politics

Boggs entered politics in 2018. She ran for and won a position on the Governing Board of EVIT, where she focused on eliminating corruption, removing politics from classrooms, and expanding career and educational opportunities for students​.

Boggs believes in an education system free from political agendas.
Boggs believes in an education system free from political agendas.

What does Boggs stand for?

In her campaign for Maricopa County School Superintendent, Boggs emphasizes several issues: defending parental rights in education, supporting school choice, ensuring fiscal responsibility, and removing political ideologies from classrooms. She advocates for a collaborative relationship between parents and teachers to foster student success and believes in an education system free from political agendas.

What does the Maricopa County School Superintendent do?

The superintendent oversees the administration of public school districts within Maricopa County. This includes providing support and guidance to school districts and ensuring compliance with state and federal education laws and regulations​.

The superintendent is also responsible for managing the financial affairs of the county’s school districts. This includes auditing district finances, distributing funds, and ensuring that taxpayer money is used effectively and transparently.

When there are vacancies on local school boards, the superintendent has the authority to appoint individuals to fill these positions.

The superintendent supports the development and implementation of educational programs and services that enhance student learning and achievement. This can include professional development for teachers, curriculum development, and other initiatives aimed at improving educational outcomes.

The superintendent advocates for the needs and interests of the county’s schools at the local, state, and federal levels. This includes working with policymakers to develop and implement educational policies that benefit students and schools​.

The superintendent works to ensure that students and their families have access to the resources and support they need for academic success. This can involve coordinating services such as special education, transportation, and nutrition programs​.

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