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As Maricopa County braces for heatwave, here's what you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy

Children playing outside should take eight gulps of water every 15 minutes.
Arizona in general and Maricopa County in particular are bracing for a weekend heat wave. (Photo: The Lazy Artist Gallery)
Arizona in general and Maricopa County in particular are bracing for a weekend heat wave. (Photo: The Lazy Artist Gallery)

Phoenix, Arizona: As Arizona in general and Maricopa County in particular brace for a weekend heat wave, it's extremely important that citizens take all possible precautions to shield themselves from the possibly fatal effects of heatstroke and other hear-related health issues

Here are some pointers from the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Importance of Hydration: Staying properly hydrated is crucial, especially in Arizona's extreme heat, as it helps regulate body temperature, eliminate waste, and maintain mental function.

Daily Water Intake: The average adult needs at least 64 ounces (1,800ml) of water per day, but individual needs may vary based on activity level and other factors.

Staying properly hydrated is crucial, especially in Arizona's extreme heat.
Staying properly hydrated is crucial, especially in Arizona's extreme heat.

Hydration Guidelines in Heat: When working in the heat, it is recommended to drink eight ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes, but not to exceed 48 ounces per hour to avoid medical emergencies caused by low salt concentration in the blood.

Hydration from Food: About 20% of daily fluid intake comes from food. Eating water-rich foods like melons, lettuce, strawberries, and cucumbers can help maintain hydration.

Hydration for Children: Children playing outside should take eight gulps of water every 15 minutes to prevent dehydration, as even young and healthy individuals can become dehydrated quickly during strenuous activities in the heat.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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