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Maricopa County tightens fire restrictions as brush fire threat looms, here's what's banned

The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department initiated its annual fire ban on May 1.
Eleven Maricopa County regional parks have imposed bans. (Photo: Francesco Paggiaro)
Eleven Maricopa County regional parks have imposed bans. (Photo: Francesco Paggiaro)

Phoenix, Arizona: With news that June was the hottest month on record for Phoenix coming as no surprise all, attention now turns to what a sweltering July may bring. And one of the biggest concerns is brush fires. 

Speaking about the June 12 Rose Fire that destroyed 15 structures and 166 acres and came dangerously close to Hassayampa River Preserve, RJ Cardin, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation director, said, "This is not the first fire to come dangerously close to one of Maricopa County's regional parks. We've also had fires around the park's perimeters at Cave Creek Regional Park and McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Recently, Coconino and Kaibab National Forests also heightened their fire restrictions to Stage 2, which prohibits smoking."

The June 12 Rose Fire destroyed 15 structures and 166 acres and came dangerously close to Hassayampa River Preserve (pictured).
The June 12 Rose Fire destroyed 15 structures and 166 acres and came dangerously close to Hassayampa River Preserve (pictured).

A complete ban on smoking in Maricopa County's regional parks -- outside of enclosed vehicles -- went into effect on July 1. The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department initiated its annual fire ban on May 1.

What else is banned?

All campfires, fire pits, and charcoal in grills or any other manner are banned; however, using gas/propane grills in designated areas is acceptable. Violation of Park Rule R-113 may result in a citation. 

Which parks have imposed bans?

Eleven Maricopa County regional parks: Lake Pleasant Regional Park, White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Adobe Dam Regional Park, Buckeye Hills Regional Park, Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Hassayampa River Preserve, San Tan Mountain Regional Park, Usery Mountain Regional Park, McDowell Mountain Regional Park, Cave Creek Regional Park, and Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area.

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