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Mansel Carter Oasis Park opens and joins Frontier Family Park as another Queen Creek diamond

The expansion was designed by J2 Design and built by Haydon.
The 13-acre expansion of Mansel Carter Oasis Park opened with a ribbon cutting and tennis clinic. (Photo: Town of Queen Creek)
The 13-acre expansion of Mansel Carter Oasis Park opened with a ribbon cutting and tennis clinic. (Photo: Town of Queen Creek)

Queen Creek, Arizona (Release): The 13-acre expansion of Mansel Carter Oasis Park has officially opened with a ribbon cutting and tennis clinic on Wednesday, July 10. Located at 19535 E. Appleby Road, the new section includes tennis courts, volleyball courts, pickleball courts, additional restrooms and parking, and passive green space.

“As a young, growing community, we are focused on building a well-rounded community – one that is safe, has the necessary infrastructure, provides a high quality of life, is effective and is providing a secure future,” stated Council member Dawn Oliphant at the ribbon cutting ceremony. “This park, along with our recently opened Frontier Family Park, directly relate to our strategic priorities of superior infrastructure and quality lifestyle.

The lake at Mansel Carter Oasis Park is Queen Creek’s first lake and uses the Town’s recovered water and avoids using potable water for landscaping at the park.
The lake at Mansel Carter Oasis Park is Queen Creek’s first lake and uses the Town’s recovered water and avoids using potable water for landscaping at the park.

"We see the value in parks, our residents see the value in parks – from the early morning into the evening, our parks are a gathering space. And we are so excited to offer new amenities at this expansion.”

The expansion was designed by J2 Design and built by Haydon. The expansion completes the popular park, which originally opened in 2018, and includes a variety of amenities (playground, splash pad, fishing lake, fitness zone, baseball fields and multipurpose fields). A pump track was also added earlier this year.

Work in progress at Mansel Carter Oasis Park Phase II. (Photos were taken on April 1, 2024)
Work in progress at Mansel Carter Oasis Park Phase II. (Photos were taken on April 1, 2024)

The Town recently celebrated the opening of Frontier Family Park, a new 85-acre park located on Signal Butte, north of Queen Creek Road. The Town’s Recreation & Aquatic Center, slated to open in 2025, will also be located at Frontier Family Park.

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