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Phoenix PD still reeling from Zane Coolidge death as community rallies around his young family

This incident marks the 11th time this year that Phoenix police officers have been met with gunfire.
Donations pour in as community rallies around Officer Zane coolidge's young family.
Donations pour in as community rallies around Officer Zane coolidge's young family.

Phoenix, Arizona: The fatal shooting of Phoenix PD officer Zane Coolidge in the line of duty hit the community and the department hard, even as his partner Officer Matthew Haney was also injured, but is now recovering at home.

The tragic event unfolded last Tuesday, when Coolidge and his partner, Haney, were responding to reports of a suspect breaking into cars. Both officers were shot during the response, but while Haney's ballistic vest saved him, Coolidge sustained fatal injuries.

This Tuesday, the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association held a BBQ fundraiser for Officer Coolidge, who leaves behind a wife and a baby girl. All the money donated during the BBQ fundraiser will go directly towards the Coolidge Family and their immediate needs.

The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association called Coolidge a hero and stated,
The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association called Coolidge a hero and stated, "You will be missed, brother."

“The community has been incredible; they have been at everything that we’ve done, and today is just another show of appreciation that this community has for the police, and you can see it right here. It’s love that we have for this family, Zane’s family. We will be there from here going forward,” Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan told Arizona's Family.

Chief Sullivan says the death of Officer Coolidge is still hitting the department hard: “We’re still struggling. There’s still somebody that lost their life doing this work that was our friend, was a husband, was a brother. And a friend to all of us, that’s not anything that we ever get over.”

A procession took place Friday evening, with law enforcement from around the state honoring Coolidge.
A procession took place Friday evening, with law enforcement from around the state honoring Coolidge.

This incident marks the eleventh time this year that Phoenix police officers have been met with gunfire while serving their community. Sullivan expressed his outrage at the senseless violence, stating that Coolidge’s passing has left the department and the community in deep grief.

The suspect, Saul Bal, had a prior arrest in 2023 for drug possession, though the charges were dropped due to procedural issues. Bal has since been arrested and faces multiple charges in connection with the shooting.

If you wish to help out Officer Coolidge's family you can do so here.

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