Taylor Swift Law comes into effect and homecooking gets a huge boost in new slate of laws

Phoenix, Arizona: Over 200 new laws, including one unofficially named after Taylor Swiftwent into effect in Arizona over the weekend with some set to have a far-reaching effect on communities. Here are some of the most notable new laws.
Abortion Law Repeal: Arizona officially repealed a Civil War-era abortion ban, replacing it with a 15-week limit on abortion, which could change further if voters approve a ballot measure protecting broader abortion rights.
Affordable Housing: New housing regulations were introduced, requiring cities with over 75,000 residents to allow for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on single-family lots. Additionally, "middle housing" like duplexes and townhomes will be allowed in areas close to business districts.
Cottage Food Law: The 'Tamale Bill' now permits the sale of homemade foods, including those containing meat, expanding opportunities for small, home-based food vendors, provided they register with the state’s health department and pass a food safety course.
Automated Ticket Sales Ban: Known as the 'Taylor Swift Bill', this law cracks down on bots purchasing large quantities of event tickets, imposing fines of up to $10,000 per ticket on violators.
Rebates for Families: Families in Arizona are eligible for tax rebates of up to $750, aimed at providing relief from rising inflation..
One other significant change affects rideshare drivers like those working for Uber and Lyft. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) threshold for these drivers has been reduced from 0.08 to 0.04. This stricter limit aims to improve road safety by ensuring that drivers who transport passengers are held to a higher standard, similar to commercial drivers.